

This is a simple package that, given an object with RNAseq values (which can be in a data.frame, DESeqDataObject from {DESeq2}, or a DGEList from {edgeR}) and a list of gene modules, will assign a score based on the eigenvalues of the first principle component of the genes for each module. By default, {moduleScoreR} uses the rsvd function from the {rsvd} package to calculate PC1, but svd from {base} R and nmf from the {NMF} package can also be used.

Gene modules need to be in the form of a named list of lists, i.e.

 [1] "GENE_1" "GENE_2" "GENE_3"

 [1] "GENE_4" "GENE_5" "GENE_6"

Alternatively, one can prepare the necessary list using prepGMT to format a gmt file from the Molecular Signatures Database or from a two-column data.frame, with the module names in a column named term and the genes for each module in a column named gene




Basic usage takes the form of:

module_list <- prepGMT("path/to/gmt_file")
  object      = obj,
  module_list = module_list,
  score_func  = "rsvd"

Optional arguments include:

milescsmith/moduleScoreR documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 3:58 a.m.