
Defines functions roxy2HTML

Documented in roxy2HTML

#' @name roxy2HTML
#' @title roxy2HTML
#' @description Convert roxygen2 tags directly to html
#' @details
#' Takes, as input, an R script with roxygen2 tags and outputs the
#' HTML file to an output folder
#' @param input, character, path to R file with roxygen2 tags
#' @param output, character, path to output file to save HTML files
#' @param env, environment, environment to run parse_file.  Defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param ..., additional parameters to be passed to Rd2HTML
#' @return
#' This function doesn't return anything
#' @examples
#' input_path <- system.file("examples/script.R", package = "directRoxy")
#' roxy2HTML(input_path, tempdir())
#' @import roxygen2
#' @export
roxy2HTML <- function(input, output, env = NULL, ...) {
  list_files <- .roxytotemp(input, output, env)
  for (file in list_files) {
    tools::Rd2HTML(file, out = file.path(output, paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file)), ".html")), ...)
  unlink(file.path(output, "man"), recursive = TRUE)
mimikwang/directRoxy documentation built on Dec. 29, 2019, 11:58 a.m.