IFNmanagement: Management module

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples

View source: R/IFNmanagement.R


Application of sylvicultural action as specified in prescription data


IFNmanagement(treeData, prescriptionData, verbose = FALSE)



A data frame with tree records in rows and columns 'ID', 'Species', 'DBH' (in cm) and 'N' (ha-1)


A data frame with plots in rows (row names should be equal to 'ID' in tree data) and prescription options in columns:

  • type: Either 'regular' or 'irregular'.

  • thinning: How trees are selected for cutting. Either:

    • 'above' (i.e. thinning from above).

    • 'below' (i.e. thinning from below).

    • 'intermediate' (i.e. according to the current diameter distribution).

    • A string specifying diameter breaks and percentages (see details).

  • thinningBA: Threshold for basal area. Thinning will be applied if the basal area of the stand is larger than the speficied value.

  • thinningHB: Threshold for Hart-Becking index (if thinningBA = NA). Thinning will be applied if the Hart-Becking index of the stand is smaller than the speficied threshold value.

  • thinningPerc: Percentage of initial basal area to be cut.

  • finalMeanDBH: For regular management, threshold of mean diameter (in cm) separating thinnings from final cuts.

  • finalPrec: For regular management, string with percentages of basal area to be removed in each final cut ('40-60-100' means a three final cuts, where percentages of basal area to be removed each time is 40%, 60% and 100%).

  • plantingSpecies: Tree species code to be planted after the final cut.

  • plantingDBH: Tree DBH to be planted after the final cut (in cm).

  • plantingHeight: Tree height to be planted after the final cut (in m).

  • plantingDensity: Tree density to be planted after the final cut (in ind·ha-1).

  • finalPreviousStage: Previous stage in final cut (0 - means thinning interventions, 1 - means first final cut, 2 - means second final cut, and so on).


A flag to indicate console output explaining the silvicultural operations done in each plot.


Final cuts in regular management are done from above (i.e. always starting with the largest trees). Previous cuts should be done from below, but it is left to the user.

When specifying thinning distribution in a string '15-60/30-30/40-10' means that diameters that 60% of basal area to be cut is from trees between 0 to 15 cm, 30% from trees between 15 and 30 cm and 10% from trees between 30 and 40 cm.


A list with the following elements:



miquelcaceres/IFNdyn documentation built on Feb. 1, 2021, 10:55 a.m.