
# postalcodes2rds

# Script to create the PLZGemeinden table and make it available in SmaRP
# source:

# read original
fileName <- "inst/application/data/taxdata/CorrespondancePostleitzahlGemeinde.xlsx"
PLZGemeindenOri <- XLConnect::readWorksheetFromFile(file = fileName, sheet = "PLZ4") %>%
  magrittr::set_colnames(c("PLZ", "PerGDE", "Kanton", "GDENR", "GDENAME"))

# There are postal codes assign to several gemeinden given a percentage (PerGDE)
# Since we want a relation 1-1 postalcode - gemeinde, we have to apply some filtering criteria
# 1. Given a postalcode, select the gemeinde with higher percentage
PLZGemeinden <- dplyr::inner_join(PLZGemeindenOri,
  PLZGemeindenOri %>%
    dplyr::group_by(PLZ) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(maxPerGDE = max(PerGDE)),
  by = c("PLZ" = "PLZ", "PerGDE" = "maxPerGDE")

# 2. In case equally distributed gemeinden, we take the one with the higher gemeinde number.
# Applies only in 1 case
# PLZGemeindenOri %>% subset(PLZ == "2933")
PLZGemeinden <- dplyr::inner_join(PLZGemeinden,
  PLZGemeinden %>%
    group_by(PLZ) %>%
    summarise(maxGDENR = max(GDENR)),
  by = c("PLZ" = "PLZ", "GDENR" = "maxGDENR")

# check there are not missing postal codes
assertthat::are_equal(unique(PLZGemeindenOri$PLZ), PLZGemeinden$PLZ)

# check duplicates per postalcode

# add info with Steuernfuesse per Kanton for Churh tax
# source:

# Assumptions:
# Per Gemeinde add the Kantonsteuer Factor, the Gemeindesteuer Factor and the Kirchesteuerfactor
# For the time being we use one value for all Gemeinden in one Kanton
# For the time being we do not distinguish between Evangelische Kirche and Roeman-katolische Kirche: the highest facto is used when different
# We consider only taxes on the Income (No Assets) - Affects cantosn FR and BL
# When Kirchesteuer depends on the taxrate, we make an approximation (relevant for kantons: VS, BS, BL)

GemeindeFactorTabelle <- data.frame(
  "Kanton" = unique(PLZGemeinden$Kanton),
  "FactorKanton" = rep(1, length(unique(PLZGemeinden$Kanton))),
  "FactorGemeinde" = rep(1, length(unique(PLZGemeinden$Kanton))),
  "FactorKirche" = rep(1, length(unique(PLZGemeinden$Kanton))),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

Factorcols <- c("FactorKanton", "FactorGemeinde", "FactorKirche")
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "ZH", Factorcols] <- c(1, 1.19, 0.1)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "BE", Factorcols] <- c(3.06, 1.54, 0.207)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "LU", Factorcols] <- c(1.6, 1.85, 0.25)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "UR", Factorcols] <- c(1, 0.97, 1.2)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "SZ", Factorcols] <- c(1.7, 2.25, 0.3)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "OW", Factorcols] <- c(3.05, 4.06, 0.54)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "NW", Factorcols] <- c(2.66, 2.45, 0.35)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "GL", Factorcols] <- c(0.53, 0.63, 0.09)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "ZG", Factorcols] <- c(0.82, 0.6, 0.095)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "FR", Factorcols] <- c(1, 0.81, 0.09)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "SO", Factorcols] <- c(1.04, 1.15, 0.21)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "BS", Factorcols] <- c(1, 0, 0.08)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "BL", Factorcols] <- c(1, 0.65, 0.068)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "SH", Factorcols] <- c(1.15, 0.97, 0.145)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "AR", Factorcols] <- c(3.2, 4.1, 0.5)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "AI", Factorcols] <- c(0.96, 0.71, 0.1)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "SG", Factorcols] <- c(1.15, 1.44, 0.26)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "GR", Factorcols] <- c(1, 0.9, 0.145)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "AG", Factorcols] <- c(1.09, 0.97, 0.18)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "TG", Factorcols] <- c(1.17, 1.46, 0.16)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "TI", Factorcols] <- c(1, 0.95, 0)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "VD", Factorcols] <- c(1.545, 0.79, 0)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "VS", Factorcols] <- c(1, 1.1, 3.3)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "NE", Factorcols] <- c(1.23, 0.67, 0)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "GE", Factorcols] <- c(0.485, 0.455, 0)
GemeindeFactorTabelle[GemeindeFactorTabelle$Kanton == "JU", Factorcols] <- c(2.85, 1.9, 0.081)

# join PLZGemeinden and GemeindeFactorTabelle
PLZGemeinden <- PLZGemeinden %>%
    by = "Kanton"
  ) %>%

# save PLZGemeinden as RDS
saveRDS(PLZGemeinden, "inst/application/data/PLZGemeinden.rds")
miraisolutions/SmaRP documentation built on March 23, 2022, 6:46 a.m.