
### Splice multiple series
#' @name splice_series
#' @title Splice together two time series objects.
#' @description Function to splice two vectors, covering different, but overlapping periods, into a single consistent time series.
#' @param x Original (base) time series.
#' @param y Splicing time series, to be applied to the base time series.
#' @param base.period Integer object comprising the base period observation. See \link{Details} for more detail explanation about the appropriate format of \code{base.period}. 
#' @param direction One of either 'after' (default) or 'before'.
#' @return An object of the same class as object \code{x}. 
#' @author David Mitchell <david.p.mitchell@@homemail.com.au>
#' @details The function splices together two time series objects, by applying indexed movements in series \code{y} to base series \code{x}.  Both objects must be of the same frequency (i.e. annual, quarterly, monthly, etc.).  The function also allows for splicing 'forward' (Default)---i.e. extending an existing series beyond the base period---and 'backward'---i.e. splicing values onto the start of a series using the  
#' For plain (non-time series) vectors, \code{base.period} must be a two-element integer vector identifying the base period observation index for \code{x} and \code{y}, respectively.  For time series (\code{ts}) objects, \code{base.period} , must be a two element vector specifying the year and year-part (e.g. \code{c(1994, 2)} for the second quarter 1994.  For extensible time series objects (\code{xts}), \code{base.period} must be a time-based class---one of 'Date', 'POSIXct', 'timeDate', 'yearmon' or 'yearqtr', and match the time-based index class of series \code{x}, and be within the range of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @seealso Other R implementations to splice time series include: \code{\link[tframe]{splice}}
#' @examples
#'   ## Non-time series (default) method example
#'   A <- c(100, 95, 125, 150,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA);
#'   B <- c(NA,  NA,  NA, 100, 120, 150, 200, 225);
#'   splice_series(A, B, base.period=c(4,4));
#'   splice_series(B, A, base.period=c(4,4), direction="before");
#'   ## Time series (ts) object method example
#'   A <- ts(c(100, 95, 125, 150,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA), start=1991, frequency=1);
#'   B <- ts(c(NA,  NA,  NA, 100, 120, 150, 200, 225), start=1991, frequency=1);
#'   splice_series(A, B, base.period=c(1994,1));
#'   splice_series(B, A, base.period=c(1994,1), direction="before");
#'   ## Extensible time series (xts) object method example
#'   A <- xts(x=c(100, 95, 125, 150,  NA,  NA,  NA,  NA),
#'            order.by=seq(as.Date("1991-03-01"), by="quarter", length.out=8));
#'   B <- xts(x=c(NA,  NA,  NA, 100, 120, 150, 200, 225),
#'            order.by=seq(as.Date("1991-03-01"), by="quarter", length.out=8));
#'   splice_series(A, B, base.period=as.Date("1994-03-01"));
#'   splice_series(B, A, base.period=as.Date("1994-03-01"), direction="before");
#' @export
splice_series <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
splice_series.default <- function(x, y, base.period, direction="after")
  ## if ( !class(x) %in% c("numeric","integer") )
  ##   stop(sprintf("%s should be of type integer or numeric", substitute(x)));
  if ( !class(y) %in% c("numeric","integer") )
    stop(sprintf("%s should be of type integer or numeric", deparse(substitute(y))));
  if ( length(base.period) != 2 )
    stop("base.period should be of length 2");
  if ( !class(base.period) %in% c("numeric", "integer") )
    stop("base.period should be of type integer");
    if ( !base.period[1] %in% seq_along(x) ) 
    stop(sprintf("First element of base.period outside %s index range.", deparse(substitute(x))));
  if ( !base.period[2] %in% seq_along(y) ) 
    stop(sprintf("First element of base.period outside %s index range.", deparse(substitute(y))));
  ## Return time series base.period indexes 
  idx.x <- base.period[1]
  idx.y <- base.period[2]
  ## Splice xts time series
  if (direction == "after")
    z <- c(x[1:idx.x], x[idx.x] * y[(idx.y+1):length(y)] / y[idx.y])
  if (direction == "before")
    z <- c(x[idx.x] * y[1:(idx.y-1)] / y[idx.y], x[idx.x:length(x)])

#' @export
splice_series.ts <- function(x, y, base.period, direction="after")
  if ( class(y) != "ts" )
    stop(sprintf("%s should be of class ts", deparse(substitute(y))));
  if ( length(base.period) != 2 )
    stop("base.period should be of length 2");
  if ( !class(base.period) %in% c("numeric", "integer") )
    stop("base.period should be of type integer");
  if ( frequency(x) != frequency(y))
    stop(sprintf("Objects %s and %s of different frequencies.",
                 deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(y))));
  if ( !round(base.period[1] + (base.period[2]-1)/frequency(x),3) %in% time(x) ) 
    stop(sprintf("%s time range does not span base.period", deparse(substitute(x))));
  if ( !round(base.period[1] + (base.period[2]-1)/frequency(y),3) %in% time(y) ) 
    stop(sprintf("%s time range does not span base.period", deparse(substitute(x))));
  ## Return time series base.period indexes 
  idx.x <- which(round(base.period[1] + (base.period[2]-1)/frequency(x),3) == time(x))
  idx.y <- which(round(base.period[1] + (base.period[2]-1)/frequency(y),3) == time(y))
  ## Splice xts time series
  if (direction == "after")
    z <- ts(splice_series.default(c(x), c(y), base.period=c(idx.x, idx.y), direction=direction),
            start=start(x), frequency=frequency(x))
  if (direction == "before")
    z <- ts(splice_series.default(c(x), c(y), base.period=c(idx.x, idx.y), direction=direction),
            end=end(x), frequency=frequency(x));

#' @export
splice_series.xts <- function(x, y, base.period, direction="after")
  if ( class(y)[1] != "xts" )
    stop(sprintf("%s should be of class xts", deparse(substitute(y))));
  if ( class(index(x))[1] != class(index(y))[1] )
    stop(sprintf("Object time indexes of different classes (%s, %s)---should be of same class",
                 class(index(x))[1], class(index(y))[1]));
  if ( !class(base.period)[1] %in% c("Date","POSIXct","POSIXt","timeDate","yearmon","yearqtr") )
    stop("base.period should be a time-based class (see documentation)");
  if ( class(base.period)[1] != class(index(x))[1] )
    stop(sprintf("base.period not same time-based class as time index of x (%s)---should be of same class",
  if ( !base.period %in% index(x) ) 
    stop(sprintf("%s time range does not span base.period", deparse(substitute(x))));
  if ( !base.period %in% index(y) ) 
    stop(sprintf("%s time range does not span base.period", deparse(substitute(y))));
  ## Return time series base.period indexes 
  idx.x <- which(base.period == index(x))
  idx.y <- which(base.period == index(y))
  ## Splice xts time series
  if (direction == "after")
    z <- xts(splice_series.default(c(coredata(x)), c(coredata(y)),
                                   base.period=c(idx.x, idx.y), direction=direction),
             order.by=c(index(x)[1:idx.x], index(y)[-(1:idx.y)]))
  if (direction == "before")
    z <- xts(splice_series.default(c(coredata(x)), c(coredata(y)),
                                   base.period=c(idx.x, idx.y), direction=direction),
             order.by=c(index(y)[1:(idx.y-1)], index(x)[-(1:(idx.x-1))]))

## #' @param method One of either 'vector' (default) or 'iterative' (NOT IMPLEMENTED).
## splice_series.original <- function(x, y, base.period=NULL, method="vector", direction="forward")
## {
##   if (method == "iterative") {
##     for (i in seq_along(x)[-1]) 
##       x[i] <- ifelse(!is.na(x[i]), x[i], x[i-1] * y[i] / y[i-1]);
##   }
##   if (method == "vector") {
##     idx <- is.na(x) %>% which
##     x[idx] <- x[min(idx)-1] * y[idx] / y[min(idx)-1];
##   }
##   return(x)
## }
mitcda/predict.utils documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:27 p.m.