
Defines functions dlm_filterSmoothHeuristic smoothedFits

# #' @importFrom forecast seasonal trendcycle remainder
# var_stl_decomp <- function(stlobj) {
#  list(
#    seasonal = var(diff(stlobj[, "seasonal"], frequency(stlobj))),
#    trendcycle = var(diff(stlobj[, "trend"])),
#    remainder = var(stlobj[, "remainder"]),
#    stlobj = stlobj
#  )
# }

# #' @import purrr
# #' @importFrom magrittr extract2
# fasster_stl <- function(response, groupData, s.window, stlFreqs) {
#  ## Rough structure
#  # - Take in object, determine grouping and required variables
#  # - Split by each group and perfrom stl decomposition on the response, with frequency according to each seasonal term in the switching model
#  ## Estimate optimal parameters specific to model groupings
#  browser()
#  out <- response %>%
#    split(groupData) %>%
#    map(~ list(.x) %>%
#      map2(stlFreqs, ~ .x %>%
#        ts(frequency = .y) %>%
#        stl(s.window = s.window) %>%
#        extract2("time.series") %>%
#        var_stl_decomp()
#      )
#    )
#  # out$`_total` <- out %>%
#  #   map(~ .x %>%
#  #         extract2("stlobj")) %>%
#  #   invoke(rbind, .) %>%
#  #   var_stl_decomp()
# }
# dlm_lmHeuristic <- function(y, dlmModel){
#   ## Generate optimisation Z
#   ZF <- as.matrix(dlmModel$FF[rep(1, length(y)), ])
#   ZF[, dlmModel$JFF != 0] <- dlmModel$X[, dlmModel$JFF]
#   G_i <- dlmModel$GG
#   Z <- ZF
#   for (i in seq_along(y)) {
#     Z[i, ] <- ZF[i, ] %*% G_i
#     G_i <- G_i %*% dlmModel$GG
#   }
#   ## Fit heuristic models
#   step_len <- NCOL(Z) * 4 ## TODO: Improve block selection as a fn of NROW with s
#   dlmModel$vt <- numeric(length(y) - step_len)
#   dlmModel$xt <- matrix(nrow = length(y) - step_len, ncol = NCOL(Z))
#   for (i in seq_len(length(y) - step_len)) {
#     idx <- seq_len(step_len) + i - 1
#     optimFit <- .lm.fit(Z[idx, ], y[idx], tol = 1e-6)
#     dlmModel$xt[i, ] <- optimFit$coefficients
#     dlmModel$vt[i] <- optimFit$residuals[1]
#   }
#   wt <- dlmModel$xt[seq_len(NROW(dlmModel$xt) - 1), ] - (dlmModel$xt[seq_len(NROW(dlmModel$xt) - 1) + 1, ] %*% dlmModel$GG)
#   dlmModel$m0 <- dlmModel$xt[1, ]
#   dlmModel$V <- var(dlmModel$vt)
#   dlmModel$W <- dlmModel$C0 <- var(wt)
#   return(dlmModel)
# }
# dlm_lmHeuristic_saturated <- function(y, dlmModel, dlmModelSaturated){
#   dlmModel <- dlm_lmHeuristic(y, dlmModel)
#   dlmModelSaturated <- dlm_lmHeuristic(y, dlmModelSaturated)
#   dlmModel$V <- dlmModelSaturated$V
#   dlmModel$W <- dlmModel$W * mean(dlmModelSaturated$W)/mean(dlmModel$W)
#   return(dlmModel)
# }

smoothedFits <- function(smooth, mod){
  fitted <- numeric(NROW(smooth$s) - 1)
  for(i in seq_along(fitted)){
    XFF <- mod$FF
    XFF[mod$JFF != 0] <- mod$X[i, mod$JFF]
    fitted[i] <- XFF%*% smooth$s[i + 1,]

#' @importFrom dlm dlmSmooth dlmSvd2var
dlm_filterSmoothHeuristic <- function(y, dlmModel){
  #dlmModel$W <- diag(1, NROW(dlmModel$W))
  filtered <- dlmFilter(y, dlmModel)
  smoothed <- dlmSmooth(filtered)
    smoothed$s <- matrix(smoothed$s)

  dlmModel$m0 <- smoothed$s[1,]
  dlmModel$C0 <- with(smoothed, dlmSvd2var(
    D.S[1, ]

  wt <- smoothed$s[seq_len(NROW(smoothed$s) - 1) + 1, ] - smoothed$s[seq_len(NROW(smoothed$s) - 1), ]%*%t(dlmModel$GG)
  dlmModel$W <- var(wt)

  dlmModel$V <- var(y - smoothedFits(smoothed, dlmModel), na.rm = TRUE)
mitchelloharawild/fasster documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 11:31 p.m.