
Defines functions timestamp_type character_type string_type map_type long_type numeric_type integer_type float_type double_type date_type byte_type boolean_type binary_type array_type struct_field struct_type

Documented in array_type binary_type boolean_type byte_type character_type date_type double_type float_type integer_type long_type map_type numeric_type string_type struct_field struct_type timestamp_type

#' Spark Data Types
#' These function support supplying a spark read schema. This is particularly useful
#' when reading data with nested arrays when you are not interested in several of 
#' the nested fields.
#' @param sc A \code{spark_connection}
#' @param struct_fields A vector or fields obtained from \code{struct_field()}
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_new
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke
#' @export
struct_type <- function(sc, struct_fields) {
  struct <- invoke_new(sc,
  if (is.list(struct_fields)) {
    for (i in 1:length(struct_fields))
      struct <- invoke(struct, "add", struct_fields[[i]])
  } else {
    struct <- invoke(struct, "add", struct_fields)

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @param name A field name to use in the output struct type
#' @param data_type A (java) data type (e.g., \code{string_type()} or \code{double_type()})
#' @param nullable Logical. Describes whether field can be missing for some rows.
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_new
#' @export
struct_field <- function(sc, name, data_type, nullable=FALSE) {
  metadata <- invoke_static(sc, 
             name, data_type, nullable, metadata)

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_new
#' @export
array_type <- function(sc, data_type, nullable=FALSE) {
             data_type, nullable)

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
binary_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "binary")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
boolean_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "boolean")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
byte_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "byte")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
date_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "date")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
double_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "double")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
float_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "float")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
integer_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "integer")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
numeric_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "numeric")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
long_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "long")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @param key_type A (java) data type describing the map keys (usually \code{string_type()})
#' @param value_type A (java) data type describing the map values
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_new
#' @export
map_type <- function(sc, key_type, value_type, nullable=FALSE) {
             key_type, value_type, nullable)

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
string_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "string")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
character_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "character")

#' @rdname struct_type
#' @importFrom sparklyr invoke_static
#' @export
timestamp_type <- function(sc) {
  invoke_static(sc, "sparklyr.SQLUtils", "getSQLDataType", "timestamp")
mitre/sparklyr.nested documentation built on Feb. 22, 2023, 10:09 a.m.