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  1. I am aware that for analysis help I can refer to Discourse to see if my question is already answered or to submit a new one.

  2. I am aware that if I get certain behaviour only using my data and not mixOmics datasets, it is best to send a fully confidential email with the code and (possibly a subset of) the data that reproduce the error to the following email (changing [at] and [dot] to @ and .): mixomics[at]math[dot]univ-toulouse[dot]fr

  3. I have checked that I have the latest version installed, as described here.

  4. I have searched the live NEWS file to see if it has been fixed in devel already. If so, I tried the latest devel version

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Output of sessionInfo() (if it is an issue):


mixOmicsTeam/mixOmics documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 6:48 a.m.