edesignCT: Experimental design with a shared time

Description Usage Format Details Examples


edesignCT contains the experimental set up of a time course microarray experiment where there is a common starting point for the different experimental groups.




A matrix with 32 rows and 7 colums

rows [1:32] "Array1" "Array2" "Array3" "Array4" ...

columns [1:7] "Time" "Replicates" "Control" "Tissue1" "Tissue2" "Tissue3" "Tissue4"


Arrays are given in rows and experiment descriptors are given in columns. Row names contain array names.

"Time" indicates the values that variable Time takes in each hybridization. There are 4 time points, which allows an up to 3 degree regression polynome.

"Replicates" is an index indicating replicate hyridizations, i.e. hybridizations are numbered, giving replicates the same number.

"Control", "Tissue1", "Tissue2", "Tissue3" and "Tissue4" columns indicate array assigment to experimental groups, coding with 1 and 0 whether each array belongs to that group or not.



mjnueda/maSigPro documentation built on Dec. 11, 2020, 12:21 a.m.