edesignDR: Experimental design with different replicates

Description Usage Format Details References Examples


edesignDR contains experimental set up of a replicated time course microarray experiment where rats were submitted to 3 different dosis of a toxic compound. A control and an placebo treatments are also present in the experiment.




A matrix with 54 rows and 7 columns

rows [1:54] "Array1" "Array2" "Array3" "Array4" ...

columns [1:7] "Time" "Replicates" "Control" "Placebo" "Low" "Medium" "High"


Arrays are given in rows and experiment descriptors are given in columns. Row names contain array names.

"Time" indicates the values that variable Time takes in each hybridization.

"Replicates" is an index indicating replicate hyridizations, i.e. hybridizations are numbered, giving replicates the same number.

"Control", "Placebo", "Low", "Medium" and "High" columns indicate array assigment to experimental groups, coding with 1 and 0 whether each array belongs to that group or not.


Heijne, W.H.M.; Stierum, R.; Slijper, M.; van Bladeren P.J. and van Ommen B.(2003). Toxicogenomics of bromobenzene hepatotoxicity: a combined transcriptomics and proteomics approach. Biochemical Pharmacology 65 857-875.



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