
Defines functions cimir_handle basic_query cimis_zipcode cimis_spatial_zipcode cimis_station cimis_data cimis_flags cimis_items

Documented in basic_query cimir_handle cimis_data cimis_flags cimis_items cimis_spatial_zipcode cimis_station cimis_zipcode

base.url = "https://et.water.ca.gov/api"

# Default CIMIS query items
default.items = c("day-asce-eto", "day-precip", "day-sol-rad-avg",
  "day-vap-pres-avg", "day-air-tmp-max", "day-air-tmp-min",
  "day-air-tmp-avg", "day-rel-hum-max", "day-rel-hum-min",
  "day-rel-hum-avg", "day-dew-pnt", "day-wind-spd-avg",
  "day-wind-run", "day-soil-tmp-avg")

#' dataitems
#' A tibble of data items and their names, classes, and providers.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords internal

#' CIMIS Data Items
#' List CIMIS data items.
#' @param type The type of data item, i.e. `"Daily"` or `"Hourly"`.
#' @return a dataframe of data items.
#' @examples
#' cimis_items()
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
cimis_items = function(type = c("Daily", "Hourly")) {
  type = match.arg(str_to_title(type), c("Daily", "Hourly"), TRUE)
  filter(dataitems, .data$Class %in% type)

#' CIMIS Data Flags
#' List CIMIS data quality control flags.
#' @param type The type of data flag, i.e. `"Severe"` or
#'   `"Informative"`.
#' @param period The Time period that data was collected, i.e.,
#'   "Current" or "Former" (pre-1995).
#' @return a dataframe of data flags.
#' @seealso [CIMIS Data Overview - Quality Control](https://cimis.water.ca.gov/Resources.aspx)
#' @examples
#' cimis_flags()
#' cimis_flags("Informative")
#' cimis_flags("Severe", period = "Former")
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
cimis_flags = function(type = c("Severe", "Informative"),
  period = "Current") {
  type = match.arg(str_to_title(type), c("Severe", "Informative"), TRUE)
  period = match.arg(str_to_title(period), c("Current", "Former"), TRUE)
  filter(dataflags, .data$Class %in% type, .data$Period %in% period)

#' Query CIMIS Data
#' Query CIMIS data using the Web API.
#' @param targets geographies or weather stations of interest. This
#'   parameter may specify one or many stations, zip codes,
#'   coordinates, or street addresses; however, you are not allowed to
#'   mix values from different categories. This means the targets
#'   parameter must contain only stations, only zip codes, only
#'   coordinates, or only street addresses. You will receive an error
#'   if you attempt to mix different category types. The formats are
#'   accepted:
#'   - A comma delimited list of WSN station numbers
#'   - A comma delimited list of California zip codes
#'   - A semicolon delimited list of decimal - degree coordinates
#'   - A semicolon delimited list of street addresses
#' @param items specifies one or more comma-delimited data elements to
#'   include in your response. See `data_items()` for a complete list
#'   of possible data element values. Default: day-asce-eto,
#'   day-precip, day-sol-rad-avg, day-vap-pres-avg, day-air-tmp-max,
#'   day-air-tmp-min, day-air-tmp-avg, day-rel-hum-max,
#'   day-rel-hum-min, day-rel-hum-avg, day-dew-pnt, day-wind-spd-avg,
#'   day-wind-run, day-soil-tmp-avg.
#' @param start.date Specifies the start date. The data format is
#'   `"yyyy-mm-dd"`.
#' @param end.date Specifies the end date. The data format is
#'   `"yyyy-mm-dd"`.
#' @param measure.unit The unit of measure may be either `"E"` for
#'   English units or `"M"` for metric units. The value of this
#'   parameter will affect data values in the response. For
#'   example, designating English units will result in temperature
#'   values being returned in Fahrenheit rather than Celsius.
#' @param prioritize.SCS This parameter is relevant only when the
#'   targets parameter contains zip code(s). If `TRUE`, the Spatial
#'   CIMIS System (SCS) will be used as the preferred data provider.
#' @return A `tibble` object.
#' @examples
#' if(is_key_set()) {
#'   cimis_data(targets = 170, start.date = Sys.Date() - 4,
#'     end.date = Sys.Date() - 1)
#' }
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom stringr str_c str_to_upper
#' @export
cimis_data = function(targets, start.date, end.date, items,
  measure.unit = c("E", "M"), prioritize.SCS = TRUE) {
  if (any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(targets))))) {
    target.sep = ";"
  } else {
    target.sep = ","
  if (missing(items))
    items = default.items
  measure.unit = match.arg(str_to_upper(measure.unit), c("E", "M"),
  prioritize.SCS = ifelse(prioritize.SCS, "Y", "N")
  start.date = as.Date(start.date)
  end.date = as.Date(end.date)
  # query
  result = basic_query(
      "appKey={authenv$appkey}", "&",
      "targets={str_c(targets, collapse = target.sep)}", "&",
      "startDate={start.date}", "&",
      "endDate={end.date}", "&",
      "dataItems={str_c(items, collapse = ',')}", "&",
      "unitOfMeasure={measure.unit}", "&",

#' Query CIMIS Station Metadata
#' Query CIMIS station metadata.
#' @param station The station ID. If missing, metadata for all stations
#'   is returned.
#' @return A `tibble` object.
#' @examples
#' if(is_key_set()) {
#'   cimis_station()
#'   cimis_zipcode()
#'   cimis_spatial_zipcode()
#' }
#' @importFrom purrr map map_dfr
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble bind_rows
#' @export
cimis_station = function(station) {
  if (missing(station)) {
    url = glue("{base.url}/station")
  } else {
    url = glue("{base.url}/station/{station}")
  result = map(url, basic_query)
  map_dfr(result, function(s) map_dfr(s$Stations, as_tibble))

#' @rdname cimis_station
#' @param zipcode The (spatial) zip code. If missing, metadata for all
#'   stations is returned.
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble bind_rows
#' @export
cimis_spatial_zipcode = function(zipcode) {
  if (missing(zipcode)) {
    url = glue("{base.url}/spatialzipcode")
  } else {
    url = glue("{base.url}/spatialzipcode/{zipcode}")
  result = map(url, basic_query)
  map_dfr(result, function(s) map_dfr(s$ZipCodes, as_tibble))

#' @rdname cimis_station
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble bind_rows
#' @export
cimis_zipcode = function(zipcode) {
  if (missing(zipcode)) {
    url = glue("{base.url}/stationzipcode")
  } else {
    url = glue("{base.url}/stationzipcode/{zipcode}")
  result = map(url, basic_query)
  map_dfr(result, function(s) map_dfr(s$ZipCodes, as_tibble))

#' Basic Query
#' Helper function for CIMIS query handling.
#' @param url The query URL.
#' @return The parsed JSON string, as a list.
#' @importFrom curl curl_fetch_memory parse_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @keywords internal
basic_query = function(url) {
  if (!is_key_set())
    stop("No API key available. Specify key with \"set_key()\".")
  result = curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = cimir_handle())
  if (result$status_code != 200L)
    stop("CIMIS query failed with status ",
      parse_headers(result$headers)[1], "\n",
      parse(text = rawToChar(result$content)), "\n",
      "URL request: ", result$url,
      call. = FALSE)
  value = rawToChar(result$content)
  Encoding(value) = "UTF-8"
  # check if request was rejected
  if (str_detect(value, "Request Rejected")) {
    stop("The CIMIS API returned an error. ",
      "Check that your API key is correct.",
      "\n", "CIMIS error message:", "\n",
      value, call. = FALSE)
    str_replace_all(value, c(":null" = ":[null]",
      ":\\[\\]" = ":\\[\\[\\]\\]")),
    simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)
  # can also replace [] with [[]] or [null]

#' cimir curl handle
#' Get the handle for curl URL handling in cimir.
#' @importFrom curl new_handle handle_setopt handle_setheaders
#' @keywords internal
cimir_handle = function() {
  h = new_handle()
  handle_setopt(h, connecttimeout = getOption("cimir.timeout"))
  handle_setheaders(h, Accept = "application/json")
mkoohafkan/cimir documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 9:21 p.m.