  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Example setup


Get participant data

You can source the data anyway you want, via spreadsheet, googlesheets, database, etc. The only requirement is you create a dataframe, even if it is only one column.

people_in_group <-data.frame(
  people = c("Steve", "Kathy", "Tim", "Terry", "Erin", "Emily", "Gail", "Robin", 
           "Denny", "Marge", "Elizabeth", "Darrell"),
  email = rep("", 12)

Create topics

Note that the Fika package comes with some suggested topics. Use the topics() function to see all the suggested topics.

topics <- fika::topics

Add topics

You can add on addtional topics via the topic_add() function. Or hey, just create your own topics list or ignore it all together.

fika::topic_add(topics[1:2], "Favorite restaurant in your town and why?")

Create groups & topics

Create groups based on the number of people and the min group size you desire. If you want, you can also create a corresponding topic for each group.

Please note that create_groups takes a data frame object.

df.groups <- fika::create_groups(people_in_group,
                                min_group_size = 3)

topics <- fika::create_topics(group_nums = 4, topics)

mleary/fika documentation built on March 29, 2020, 12:59 a.m.