
Defines functions as_tasks.list as_tasks.default as_tasks as_task.Task as_task

Documented in as_task as_tasks as_tasks.default as_tasks.list as_task.Task

#' @title Convert to a Task
#' @description
#' Convert object to a [Task] or a list of [Task].
#' @param x (any)\cr
#'   Object to convert.
#' @param ... (any)\cr
#'   Additional arguments.
#' @export
as_task = function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_task
#' @param clone (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   If `TRUE`, ensures that the returned object is not the same as the input `x`.
#' @export
as_task.Task = function(x, clone = FALSE, ...) { # nolint
  if (isTRUE(clone)) x$clone(deep = TRUE) else x

#' @rdname as_task
#' @export
as_tasks = function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_task
#' @export
as_tasks.default = function(x, ...) { # nolint
  list(as_task(x, ...))

#' @rdname as_task
#' @export
as_tasks.list = function(x, ...) { # nolint
  lapply(x, as_task, ...)
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