
#' @title TrainLog
#' @format [R6Class()] object
#' @description
#' A [R6::R6Class()] containing logging information of a [train()] call.
#' Constructor is called with output (`list`): List of output, messages, warnings and errors occured in training and the training time.
#' @field train.time (`numeric(1)`): Training time.
#' @field messages ([list]): List of messages encountered while training the model.
#' @field warnings ([list)]: List of warnings encountered while training the model.
#' @field errors ([list)]: List of errors encountered while training the model.
#' @field output ([list]): Remaining output from model fit, only saved if `mlrng.keep.train.output` option is set to `TRUE`.
TrainLog = R6Class("TrainLog",
  public = list(
    train.time = NULL,
    messages = NULL,
    warnings = NULL,
    errors = NULL,
    output = NULL,
    initialize = function(output, train.time) {
        if(getOption("mlrng.keep.train.output", FALSE))
          self$output = assertList(output)
        self$errors = output[vlapply(output, evaluate::is.error)]
        self$warnings = output[vlapply(output, evaluate::is.warning)]
        self$messages = output[vlapply(output, evaluate::is.message)]
        self$train.time = assertNumeric(train.time)
    print = function(...) {
     gcat("Training log with {self$n.errors} errors, {self$n.warnings} warnings and {self$n.messages} messages.")
     if (getOption("mlrng.debug", FALSE))
      cat("\n", format(self),  "\n")
  active = list(
    n.errors = function() {
    n.warnings = function() {
    n.messages = function() {
mlr-org/mlrng documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:22 p.m.