Man pages for mlux86/flowLearn

DensityData-classAn S4 class to represent density data used by flowLearn.
flAddAdds one row (i.e. one density) to an existing DensityData...
flAddFlowFrameAdds densities from a flowFrame that represents a parent cell...
flAlignThresholdAligns two densities A and B with each other and transfers a...
flAtReturns a single density from the data slot at the specified...
flConcatConcatenates two DensityData objects.
flDataGetter for the "data" slot
flDerivativeDtwDistanceMatrixGiven two R density objects, calculates a distance matrix...
flDtwMainWrapper function to carry out DDTW for flowLearn.
flEstimateDensityEstimates a density on a given data vector.
flEvalF1ScoreFCSGiven a DensityData object with existing thresholds,...
flFindReturns a new DensityData object with a subset of entries of...
flGetDensityReturns a list(x,y) with density x and y values for the given...
flGetGateReturns a matrix with two columns which represent lower and...
flGetGateAssignmentsGiven a DensityData object with existing thresholds, returns...
flIdentifyOutliersF1Identify samples outliers by the means of F1-scores.
flInitInitializes a DensityData object with default values
flNormalizePopulationNameNormalizes population names, such that they can be used, for...
flNumFeaturesGetter for the "numFeatures" slot
flPlotDensThreshPlots a given density and true/predicted thresholds, if...
flPredictThresholdsPredicts thresholds for all densities in a DensityData...
flSampleBcellEvaluationDataExample evaluation data matching flSampleDensdat.
flSampleDensdatExample DensityData object, containing three samples, 16...
flSampleFlowFrameExample flowFrame object, used in vignette for constructing...
flSelectPrototypesGiven a DensityData object, selects a number of prototype...
flSizeReturns the size of a given DensityData object.
mlux86/flowLearn documentation built on May 29, 2019, 5:43 a.m.