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How to set up R for a Raspberry Pi

This document describes how to set up the R programming language on a Raspberry Pi.

A brief overview of the Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Model 4{fig-alt="An image showing the Raspberry Pi Model 4" fig-align="left" width="393"}

Hopefully this really isn't necessary, but you may wonder why there's a fuss about the Raspberry Pi. Here's a few tidbits to get you started:

Install R

The Raspberry Pi doesn't come with R so you'll need to install it. You might want to check out R4Pi, a website that provides precompiled binaries.

If the R4Pi website isn't up and running, simply fall back to apt-get...

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-core

Unfortunately, this installs R as Root, which will cause problems when you install.packages( ) since you don't have access to the library folder. I fixed this on my Raspberry Pi, but didn't take notes on what I did. When I figure that out, I'll update this document. My apologies.

Fix the App Menu

Unfortunately, the installer places R in the graphic menu instead of programming tools.

R appears in the graphic menu{fig-alt="Image showing how to fix the app location in Raspbian"}

That works, but it's just annoying. To move it to the programming menu:

  1. Go to the RPi menu (Raspberry Pi in the upper left).

  2. Select Preferences

  3. Select Main Menu Editor. This provides a dialog.

  4. In that dialog, select programming.

  5. On the right, select New Item:

  6. In the dialog, fill in the fields with:

    1. Name=R

    2. Command=R

    3. Launch in terminal. OK

Presto change-O. R is now in the programming menu.

Fix the Icon

Almost done with this trivial stuff, but the Icon for the R app is wrong. Let's fix it...

{fig-alt="Image showing how to fix the icon for R"}

  1. In the Raspberry Pi menu, right click on R.

  2. Choose Properties

  3. Click on the Icon to bring up the chooser

  4. In the System Theme, select rlogo.icon

Setup Geany

Apparently posit is working on a version of RStudio for Raspberry Pi. But as of the creation of this document, it's not ready for prime time. I use Geany instead - it's installed on the Raspberry Pi, it's an IDE, and it's better than a poke in the eye.

Configuring geany for R{fig-alt="An image showing how to configure Geany to run the R programming language"}

There are a few things to set up before using Geany for R. I learned how to do this at the Geany documentation:

Start with edit -> preferences -> terminal and check execute programs in VTE. This runs R in the Geany terminal rather than opening up a separate terminal window. This isn't necessary, just a nice-to-have.

Next is Build -> Set Build Commands which opens up a dialog. Enter Rscript ./%f in Execute : Command. With this setup, run an R program in by selecting Build -> Execute. Graphs and other output are saved next to the input file.

In the same dialog, go to the first row. Click on the cell for Label and enter something descriptive like "R CMD." In the next cell (COMMAND) enter R CMD BATCH ./f . This command now appears at the top of the Build menu. Selecting this option will run the command, capturing the STDOUT to a xxx.Rout file.

Note that file names cannot have spaces.

Install libgpiod

Current versions of Raspbian have libgpiod installed by default. If you get errors, use this to install the necessary files:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgpiod-dev gpiod

mnr/rpigpior documentation built on May 3, 2024, 12:14 a.m.