
#' Raspberry Pi Pins
#' A board-level description of the 40 GPIO pins found on a Raspberry Pi.
#'     This is different than wiring pi or BCM numbering schemes. Instead, this reflects the function of pins by their physical location on the board.
#' @format ## `rpi_pin_desc`
#' A data frame with 40 rows and two columns:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item description. Primary function of the pin
#'    \item secondary. Secondary function of the pin
#'    \item valid_PWM_pair_1, valid_PWM_pair_2. Used by rpi_pwm() to determine valid PWM pins and channel combinations.
#'    \item PWM_channel. Unambiguously relates the PWM channel to each board pin
#' }
#' @source https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/os.html#gpio-and-the-40-pin-header
mnr/rpigpior documentation built on May 3, 2024, 12:14 a.m.