dwp_teacher: LA Department of Water and Power (2010-2011) Data - Teacher

dwp_teacherR Documentation

LA Department of Water and Power (2010-2011) Data - Teacher


Water usage from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, by census block, for July 2010 through June 2011. Some blocks are dropped due to identifiability concerns. This data set is used for a student practicum and contains 512 observations can be used by teachers to validate the student models.




A data frame with 512 observations of 19 variables


  • census. The census block.

  • sector_type. Indicates the type of customers using water.

  • longitude. The longitudinal centroid of the census block.

  • latitude. The latitudinal centroid of the census block.

  • census_pop. The number of people residing within the census block.

  • total. The total amount of water used in the year in hundreds of cubic feet for each census block.

  • july 2010 - june 2011. The amount of water used per month in hundreds of cubic feet for each census block.

  • count. The number of users measured per census block by sector type.



See Also

dwp_2010, dwp_student

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