
#' @slot layers A named list containing expression matrices; each matrix should
#' be a two-dimensional object containing some subset of cells and features
#' defined in the \code{cells} and \code{features} slots. Cell and feature
#' membership is recorded in the \code{cells} and \code{features} slots,
#' respectively
#' @slot cells A \link[=LogMap]{logical mapping} of cell names
#' and layer membership; this map contains all the possible cells that this
#' assay can contain. New layers must have some subset of cells present
#' in this map
#' @slot features A \link[=LogMap]{logical mapping} of feature
#' names and layer membership; this map contains all the possible features that
#' this assay can contain. New layers must have some subset of features
#' present in this map
#' @slot default A one-length integer with the end index of the
#' \link[=DefaultLayer]{default layer}; the default layer be
#' all layers up to and including the layer at index \code{default}
#' @slot assay.orig Original assay that this assay is based off of;
#' used to track assay provenance
#' @slot A \link[base:data.frame]{data frame} with feature-level
#' meta data; should have the same number of rows as \code{features}
mojaveazure/seurat-object documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 4:59 p.m.