
driver <- armadillo()

test_that("armadillo method creates a driver instance", {
  expect_s4_class(driver, "ArmadilloDriver")

test_that("dsGetInfo returns the driver version", {
    list(driver.version = packageVersion("DSMolgenisArmadillo"))

test_that("dsConnect returns an ArmadilloConnection", {
  response <- list(status_code = 200)
  httr_post <- mock(response, cycle = TRUE)
  httr_cookies <- mock(cookies)
  httr_handle <- mock(handle)
    result <- dsConnect(driver,
      url = "https://example.org",
      username = "admin",
      password = "admin",
      name = "test"
    "httr::POST" = httr_post,
    "httr::cookies" = httr_cookies,
    "httr::handle" = httr_handle
  expect_s4_class(result, "ArmadilloConnection")
  expect_equal(result@handle, handle)
  expect_equal(result@cookies$name, "JSESSIONID")
  expect_equal(result@cookies$value, "abcde")

  expect_args(httr_handle, 1, url = "https://example.org")
  expect_args(httr_post, 1,
    handle = handle,
    path = "/select-profile",
    body = "default",
    config = httr::add_headers("Authorization" = "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=")

test_that("dsConnect selects profile if one is provided", {
  response <- list(status_code = 200)
  httr_post <- mock(response, cycle = TRUE)
  httr_cookies <- mock(cookies)
  httr_handle <- mock(handle)
    result <- dsConnect(driver,
      url = "https://example.org",
      username = "admin",
      password = "admin",
      profile = "foo",
      name = "test"
    "httr::POST" = httr_post,
    "httr::cookies" = httr_cookies,
    "httr::handle" = httr_handle
  expect_s4_class(result, "ArmadilloConnection")
  expect_equal(result@handle, handle)
  expect_equal(result@cookies$name, "JSESSIONID")
  expect_equal(result@cookies$value, "abcde")

  expect_args(httr_handle, 1, url = "https://example.org")
  expect_args(httr_post, 1,
    handle = handle,
    path = "/select-profile",
    body = "foo",
    config = httr::add_headers("Authorization" = "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=")

test_that("dsConnect returns an ArmadilloConnection", {
  response <- list(status_code = 200)
  httr_post <- mock(response, cycle = TRUE)
  httr_cookies <- mock(cookies)
  httr_handle <- mock(handle)
    result <- dsConnect(driver,
      url = "https://example.org",
      username = "admin",
      password = "admin",
      name = "test"
    "httr::POST" = httr_post,
    "httr::cookies" = httr_cookies,
    "httr::handle" = httr_handle
  expect_s4_class(result, "ArmadilloConnection")
  expect_equal(result@handle, handle)
  expect_equal(result@cookies$name, "JSESSIONID")
  expect_equal(result@cookies$value, "abcde")

  expect_args(httr_handle, 1, url = "https://example.org")
  expect_args(httr_post, 1,
    handle = handle,
    path = "/select-profile",
    body = "default",
    config = httr::add_headers("Authorization" = "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=")

test_that("dsConnect can log in with bearer token", {
  response <- list(status_code = 200)
  httr_post <- mock(response, cycle = TRUE)
  httr_cookies <- mock(cookies)
  httr_handle <- mock(handle)
    result <- dsConnect(driver,
      url = "https://example.org",
      token = "abcde",
      name = "test"
    "httr::POST" = httr_post,
    "httr::cookies" = httr_cookies,
    "httr::handle" = httr_handle
  expect_s4_class(result, "ArmadilloConnection")
  expect_equal(result@handle, handle)
  expect_equal(result@cookies$name, "JSESSIONID")
  expect_equal(result@cookies$value, "abcde")

  expect_args(httr_handle, 1, url = "https://example.org")
  expect_args(httr_post, 1,
    handle = handle,
    path = "/select-profile",
    body = "default",
    config = httr::add_headers("Authorization" = "Bearer abcde")

test_that("dsConnect restores user workspace", {
  ok <- list(status_code = 200)
  httr_post <- mock(ok, cycle = TRUE)
  httr_cookies <- mock(cookies)
  httr_handle <- mock(handle)
      url = "https://example.org",
      username = "admin",
      password = "admin",
      name = "test",
      restore = "keepit"
    "httr::POST" = httr_post,
    "httr::cookies" = httr_cookies,
    "httr::handle" = httr_handle
  expect_called(httr_post, 2)
  expect_args(httr_post, 1,
              handle = handle,
              path = "/select-profile",
              body = "default",
              config =
                httr::add_headers("Authorization" = "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="))
  expect_args(httr_post, 2,
    handle = handle,
    query = list(id = "keepit"),
    path = "/load-workspace",
    config = httr::add_headers("Authorization" = "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=")

test_that("dsConnect explains when you cannot load all workspaces", {
    "argument \"url\" is missing, with no default"
molgenis/molgenis-r-datashield documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 4:12 a.m.