Morphr (c) 2020

Morphr implements standard techniques for the representation of shapes, calculation of mean templates, statistical analysis (clustering, principal component analysis (PCA) and estimating deformations to mean shapes). It accepts case studies for medical, anatomical, and paleontological shape data. The package also implements convenient graphical user interface built using R shiny, allowing researchers with limited coding experience to conduct shape analysis case studies easily.

The idea behind Morphr is not only to provide tools for analysis of continuous shapes and curves, but also a set of integrated functionalities that can be used by morphologist with limited coding experience to conduct shape analysis case studies easily. The package also utilizes ideas and functions from elastic functional data analysis pacakge: fdasrvf.


if (!require("devtools")) {


For demonstration, we present a case study for paleontological shapes. For a dataset of hadrosaurid bone specimens, we show results for building a mean template from a collection of shapes, summarize patterns of shape variation in PCA, and show hierarchical clusters obtained from pairwise distances between the collection. 

path = 'Path for ucf or svg file list'

X = main_closed(path)
qarray = list()
for(i in 1:length(X)){
  qarray[[i]] = curve_to_q(X[[i]])
All_mean_shape = find_mean_shape(qarray)
saveRDS(All_mean_shape, file = "All_mean_shape.rds")
qmean = All_mean_shape[[1]]
qmean_new = project_curve(qmean)
pmean = q_to_curve(qmean_new)
plot_curve(pmean,'r',filename = 'Mean Shape')

color_file_path = 'Path for colorcode and filename'
all_geodesic = geodesic_distance_all(qarray)
saveRDS(all_geodesic, file = "all_geodsic.rds")
geo_dist = all_geodesic[[6]]
output_result[lower.tri(output_result, diag=FALSE)] <- unlist(geo_dist)
   output_result <- t(output_result)
   for(i in 1:(length(X)-1)){
     for (j in (i+1):length(X)){
        output_result[j,i] = output_result[i,j]
rc_name <- c()
Taxoncolorcodes <- readr::read_csv(color_file_path,col_names = FALSE)
filenames <- Taxoncolorcodes$X1
for(i in 1:length(X)){
    rc_name <- c(rc_name,filenames[i])
rownames(output_result) <- rc_name
colnames(output_result) <- rc_name
plotly::plot_ly(x = rc_name, y = rc_name ,z = output_result, type = "heatmap")

alpha_t_array = All_mean_shape[[3]]
PCA_plot(alpha_t_array, qmean, qarray, color_file_path)

plot_pca_variation(alpha_t_array, qmean, eigdir = 1,qarray, dt = 0)

mdsplot(alpha_t_array, geo_dist, X, color_file_path)

plot_dendrogram(geo_dist, color_file_path)

deformation_field_all(alpha_t_array, pmean, qmean,X)

morphr/morphr documentation built on Sept. 28, 2020, 5:39 p.m.