uni_ts_list: A list of 500 different univariate time series data.

Description Usage Format Source


A list containing 500 different univariate time series data. Each element of the uni_list represents a time series by a list of three different attributes: name, data and desc. The name attribute contains the name of the time series, the data attribute is a 2 dimensional data frame consisting of the date and the actual time series values. The desc attribute describes the kind of time series data. The first 323 elements of the list are time series data from the M4 competition for forecasting model evaluation. Also, 66 elements of the list are from the NNGC competition. The left 111 elements are time series from the NN3 competition.




A list with 500 elements. Each element is a list of the following three items:


The valid name of the ts from its source


A data.frame which always contains a 'date' column and then one further column for the ts data


A brief information about the kind of the data


M4 competition https://www.mcompetitions.unic.ac.cy/the-dataset/ NNGC competition http://www.neural-forecasting-competition.com/downloads/NNGC1/datasets/download.htm NN3 competition http://www.neural-forecasting-competition.com/NN3/datasets.htm

mowomoyela/tstaxonomyr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:47 p.m.