
#' @param p Result from `tools:::.Rd_get_metadata (., "arguments")`. Instances
#' that are not able to be parsed return NA and are subsequently removed,
#' meaning this will not necessarily catch all
#' @noRd
parse_one_params <- function (p) {

    nm_desc <- vapply (p, function (i) {

                           res <- tryCatch (eval (parse (text = i)),
                                            error = function (e) NULL)
                           # TODO: Use `formals` to at least have names of all
                           # fn parameters
                           if (length (res) < 2)
                               return (rep (NA_character_, 2))

                           name <- res [[1]] [[1]]
                           desc <- gsub ("\\n|\\t", "",
                                         paste0 (unlist (res [[2]]),
                                                 collapse = " "))
                           if (length (name) == 0)
                               name <- desc <- NA_character_
                           c (name, desc)
                           return (c (name, desc)) },
                           character (2), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    index <- apply (nm_desc, 2, function (i) !all (is.na (i)))

    data.frame (param = nm_desc [1, index],
                descr = nm_desc [2, index],
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @return List of data frames, one for each Rd file, containing parameter
#' names, descriptions, and name of Rd file.
#' Note that get_Rd_metadata is an alias for tools:::.Rd_get_metadata, which
#' changed from R3.6 which returned a matrix of 1 column and one row for each
#' line to R4.0 returning a single character string. The `paste0` converts any
#' all to single characters regardless.
#' @noRd
get_param_lists <- function (package) {

    if (pkg_is_source (package)) {

        f <- file.path (package, "man")
        flist <- list.files (f, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "*\\.Rd$")
        rdnames <- gsub ("\\.Rd$", "",
                        list.files (f, full.names = FALSE, pattern = "*\\.Rd$"))
        suppressWarnings (
            params <- lapply (flist, function (i)
                              paste0 (get_Rd_metadata (tools::parse_Rd (i),
                                      collapse = "\n "))
        names (params) <- rdnames

        suppressWarnings (
            fn_names <- vapply (flist, function (i)
                                get_Rd_metadata (tools::parse_Rd (i),
                                                 "alias") [1],
                                character (1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    } else {

        if (basename (package) == package) {

            r <- tools::Rd_db (package = package)

        } else {

            # packages installed into local tempdir via covr:
            r <- tools::Rd_db (package = basename (package),
                               dir = package)

        rdnames <- gsub ("\\.Rd$", "", names (r))
        params <- lapply (r, function (i)
                          paste0 (get_Rd_metadata (i, "arguments"),
                                  collapse = "\n "))
        names (params) <- rdnames
        fn_names <- unname (unlist (lapply (r, function (i)
                                            get_Rd_metadata (i, "alias") [1])))

    index <- which (vapply (params, length, integer (1)) > 0)
    params <- lapply (params [index], function (i) {
                      res <- strsplit (i, "\\n") [[1]]
                      res [!grepl ("^\\s*$", res)]  })
    fn_names <- fn_names [index]

    params <- lapply (seq_along (params), function (i) {

                          res <- parse_one_params (params [[i]])
                          is_empty <- length (res) == 0 | any (dim (res) == 0)
                          if (is_empty)
                              res <- NULL
                              res$rdname <- names (params) [i]
                          return (res)  })

    index <- which (vapply (params, function (i) !is.null (i), logical (1)))
    params <- params [index]
    fn_names <- fn_names [index]

    for (i in seq_along (params))
        params [[i]]$fn_name <- fn_names [i]
    params <- do.call (rbind, params)

    if (is.null (params))
        params <- data.frame (param = character (0),
                              descr = character (0),
                              rdname = character (0),
                              fn_name = character (0))

    return (params)
m_get_param_lists <- memoise::memoise (get_param_lists)

pkg_param_classes <- function (package) {

    objs <- m_get_example_objs (package)
    if (is.null (objs))
        return (NULL)

    objs$package <- vapply (objs$package, function (i)
                            strsplit (i, "::") [[1]] [1],
                            character (1))

    base_pkgs <- c ("stats", "graphics", "grDevices", "utils",
                    "datasets", "methods", "base")
    objs <- objs [which (!objs$package %in% base_pkgs), ]

    return (objs)

package_param_descs <- function (package) {

    return (m_get_param_lists (package))


#' Match parameter descriptions to classes of objects
#' @param yaml An autotest `yaml` including only pre-processing specifications,
#' and NOT including either class or parameter definitions.
#' @param pkg Either name of locally installed package or path to source
#' @return A `data.frame` with the following columns:
#'  1. "parameter" the name of each parameter of the function represented in the
#'  yaml
#'  2. "desc" The text description given for that parameter
#'  3. "class_in_desc" A character describing any object classes which are
#'  directly specified in each parameter description, otherwise `NA` indicating
#'  no class is described
#'  4. "param_classes" Classes of objects from other packages matching any
#'  elements of the textual description; otherwise `NA`.
#'  5. "fn_is_construtor" Logical variable for any non-NA `param_classes`
#'  indicating whether they functions they describe serve as class-constructors.
#' @noRd
param_classes_in_desc <- function (yaml, pkg_full) {

    params <- m_get_param_lists (pkg_full)
    classes <- pkg_param_classes (pkg_full)

    # classes includes all objects created in any pre-processing stages. Then
    # just need to check whether the `parameter` stage of the `yaml` creates any
    # other objects
    param_classes <- yaml_param_classes (yaml)

    fn <- gsub (":", "",
                strsplit (yaml [grep ("^functions:", yaml) + 1],
                          "- ") [[1]] [2])
    these_params <- params [params$fn_name == fn, ]
    these_classes <- classes [classes$alias == fn, ]

    class_in_desc <- NULL

    if (nrow (these_params) > 0) {

        class_in_desc <- vapply (seq (nrow (these_params)), function (i) {
                                     class_i <- these_classes$object
                                     these <- these_params$param [i]
                                     if (these %in% names (param_classes))
                                         class_i <- c (class_i,
                                                       param_classes [[these]])
                                     chk <- vapply (class_i, function (j)
                                            any (grepl (j,
                                                        these_params$descr [i],
                                                        ignore.case = TRUE)),
                                                    logical (1))
                                     ret <- NA_character_
                                     if (any (chk))
                                         ret <- names (chk) [which (chk) [1]]
                                     return (ret)
                }, character (1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    ret <- data.frame (parameter = these_params$param,
                       desc = these_params$descr,
                       class_in_desc = class_in_desc,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    return (ret)

yaml_param_classes <- function (yaml) {

    # reduce to only preprocess and parameters clauses
    yaml <- yaml [-grep ("^[a-z]", yaml)]
    n <- nchar (yaml_indent (1))
    fndef <- paste0 (c ("^", rep ("\\s", n), "\\-"), collapse = "")
    yaml <- yaml [-grep (fndef, yaml)]

    pre_start <- grep ("\\- preprocess:", yaml) + 1L
    par_start <- grep ("\\- parameters:", yaml) + 1L
    classes <- grep ("\\- classes:", yaml)
    index <- sort (c (par_start - 1L, classes))
    pre_end <- vapply (pre_start, function (i) {
                       res <- index [which (index > i) [1]] - 1L
                       if (is.na (res))
                           res <- length (yaml)
                       return (res) },
                       integer (1))
    index <- sort (c (pre_start - 1L, classes))

    par_end <- vapply (par_start, function (i) {

                       res <- index [which (index > i) [1]] - 1L
                       if (is.na (res))
                           res <- length (yaml)
                       return (res) },
                       integer (1))

    pre_index <- unlist (lapply (seq_along (pre_start), function (i)
                                 pre_start [i]:pre_end [i]))
    par_index <- unlist (lapply (seq_along (par_start), function (i)
                                 par_start [i]:par_end [i]))

    yaml_pre <- gsub ("^\\s*\\-\\s*", "", yaml [pre_index])
    index <- which (grepl ("^\'.*\'$", yaml_pre) | grepl ("^\".*\"$", yaml_pre))
    if (length (index) > 0)
        yaml_pre [index] <- gsub ("^\'|^\"|\"$|\'$", "", yaml_pre [index])
    index <- which (grepl ("\\\\%", yaml_pre))
    if (length (index) > 0)
        yaml_pre [index] <- gsub ("\\\\%", "%", yaml_pre [index])

    dev <- options()$"device"
    options (device = NULL) # suppress plot output

    newenv <- new.env ()
    junk <- utils::capture.output (
                suppressMessages (
        x <- tryCatch (
                       eval (parse (text = yaml_pre), envir = newenv),
                       error = function (e) NULL,
                       warning = function (w) NULL)

    yaml_pars <- gsub ("^\\s*\\-\\s*", "", yaml [par_index])
    objs <- vapply (yaml_pars, function (i)
                    strsplit (i, ": ") [[1]] [2],
                    character (1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    params <- vapply (yaml_pars, function (i)
                      strsplit (i, ": ") [[1]] [1],
                      character (1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    params <- gsub ("\\s*-\\s?", "", params)

    classes <- lapply (seq_along (objs), function (i) {

                           res <- tryCatch (
                                     class (eval (parse (text = objs [i]),
                                                  envir = newenv)),
                                     error = function (z) "error")
                           if (i > 1 & "error" %in% res) {
                               itemp <- i
                               iprev <- i - 1
                               while (res == "error") {
                   res <- tryCatch (class (eval (parse (text = objs [itemp]),
                                                 envir = get (objs [iprev]))),
                                    error = function (z) "error")
                                itemp <- itemp - 1
                                iprev <- iprev - 1
                               if (itemp == 1)
                           return (res)

    options (device = dev)
    names (classes) <- params

    classes <- classes [which (!classes == "error")]

    return (classes)

#' Does the `fn` f construct a class-based object?
#' @param fn Name of a function in form "\<package\>:\<function\>"
#' @param phrases Vector of phrases to `grep` for in function title or return
#' value to determine whether it is constructing a class-based object.
#' @return `TRUE` is that function serves to construct an object with a defined
#' class
#' @note The `phrases` parameter is case-insensitive, and are OR-combined, so
#' matching any one will suffice.
#' @noRd
is_fn_a_constructor <- function (fn,
                                 phrases = c ("create",
                                              "class")) {
    fn <- strsplit (fn, "::") [[1]]
    this_pkg <- fn [1]
    this_fn <- fn [2]
    # get Rd for topic
    h <- tools::Rd_db (package = this_pkg)
    aliases <- lapply (h, function (i) get_Rd_metadata (i, "alias"))
    i <- vapply (aliases, function (j) this_fn %in% j, logical (1))
    h <- h [[which (i)]]

    h_title <- get_Rd_metadata (h, "title")
    h_value <- get_Rd_metadata (h, "value")

    is_constructor <- grepl ("create|construct|object|class",
                             paste0 (h_title, h_value, collapse = " "),
                             ignore.case = TRUE)

    return (is_constructor)

#' Does a parameter description refer to a function from another package?
#' @param pkg Name of installed package or path to local source
#' @param param_descs Vector of character descriptions given to each function
#' of a pacakge
#' @return Vector of same length as `param_descs` with `NA` for descriptions
#' which contain no elements matching functions from other pacakge, otherwise a
#' single
#' string of "\<package\>:\<function\>".
#' @noRd
param_desc_is_other_fn <- function (pkg, param_descs) {

    plist <- get_pkg_deps (pkg)
    for (p in plist)
        if (!paste0 ("package:", p) %in% search ())
            suppressMessages (library (p, character.only = TRUE))
    s <- search ()
    s <- s [grep ("^package:", s)]
    allfns <- lapply (s, function (i) ls (envir = as.environment (i)))
    names (allfns) <- s

    # then also get all Rd topics
    topics <- lapply (s, function (i) {

                          rd <- tools::Rd_db (gsub ("^package:", "", i))
                          vapply (rd, function (j) get_Rd_metadata (j, "name"),
                                  character (1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    for (i in seq_along (allfns)) {

        allfns [[i]] <- unique (c (allfns [[i]], topics [[i]]))

    match_txt_to_pkg <- function (txt, allfns) {

        pkg_index <- vapply (allfns, function (i) any (grepl (txt, i)),
                             logical (1))
        pkgs <- names (pkg_index) [which (pkg_index)]
        if (length (pkgs) > 0) {
            # check whether any topics are "class" descriptions:
            nms <- lapply (pkgs, function (i)
                           allfns [[i]] [grep (txt, allfns [[i]])])
            has_class <- vapply (nms, function (i)
                                 any (grepl ("class|as\\.", i)),
                                 logical (1))
            if (any (has_class))
                pkgs <- pkgs [which (has_class)]
        # otherwise just default to first-listed package
        return (pkgs [1])

    param_classes <- vapply (param_descs, function (i) {

                                 i_s <- gsub ("\"|\'|\`|^.*\\{|\\}$", "",
                                              strsplit (i, " ") [[1]])
                                 res <- vapply (i_s, function (txt) {
                                                    match_txt_to_pkg (txt,
                                              }, character (1),
                                              USE.NAMES = FALSE)
                                 index <- which (!is.na (res))
                                 res <- res [index [1]]
                                 if (!is.na (res))
                                     res <- paste0 (res, "::", i_s [index [1]])
                                 return (res)
                                 character (1),
                                 USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    return (gsub ("^package:", "", param_classes))

#' @param classes A single line of the return value of `param_classes_in_desc`,
#' containing a parameter value and associated class in `class_in_desc`.
#' @return `yaml` with additional line restricting class of the specified object
#' to the specified value.
#' @noRd
add_class_restriction <- function (yaml, classes) {

    if (classes$parameter [1] == "null")
        classes$parameter [1] <- "\"null\""

    index <- grep ("^\\s+", yaml)
    yaml_head <- yaml [seq_along (yaml) [-index]]
    yaml <- yaml [index]

    i <- nchar (yaml_indent (1))
    ptn <- paste0 ("^", paste0 (rep ("\\s", i), collapse = ""), "-")
    index1 <- grep (ptn, yaml)
    index2 <- c (index1 [-1] - 1, length (yaml))
    index <- cbind (index1, index2)
    index <- lapply (seq (nrow (index)), function (i)
                     rep (i, index [i, 2] - index [i, 1] + 1))
    index <- do.call (c, index)

    yaml <- split (yaml, f = as.factor (index))

    yaml <- lapply (yaml, function (y) {

        i <- nchar (yaml_indent (2))
        ptn <- paste0 ("^", paste0 (rep ("\\s", i), collapse = ""), "-")
        yaml_type_indx <- grep (ptn, y)
        yaml_param_indx <- grep (paste0 (ptn, "\\s+parameters:"), y)

        yaml_params <- classes$parameter

        if (length (yaml_param_indx) > 0) {

            index <- which (yaml_type_indx > yaml_param_indx [1]) [1]
            if (is.na (index)) {
                yaml_param_indx <- seq (yaml_param_indx [1] + 1, length (y))
            } else {
                yaml_param_indx <- seq (yaml_param_indx [1] + 1,
                                        yaml_type_indx [index] - 1)
            yaml_params <- vapply (strsplit (y [yaml_param_indx], "\\:\\s+"),
                                   function (j) gsub ("^\\s*-\\s", "", j [1]),
                                   character (1))

        class_index <- which (classes$parameter %in% yaml_params)

        if (length (class_index) > 0) {

            yadd <- NULL
            if (!any (grepl ("- class:", y)))
                yadd <- paste0 (yaml_indent (2), "- class:")
            yadd <- c (yadd,
                       paste0 (yaml_indent (3),
                               "- ",
                               classes$parameter [class_index],
                               ": ",
                               classes$class_in_desc [class_index]))

            y <- c (y, yadd)

        return (y)  })

    yaml <- c (yaml_head, unname (do.call (c, yaml)))

    return (yaml)
mpadge/autotest documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 2:30 a.m.