The sysdata.rda object

DC station locations

The function R/stations.R/bike_get_dc_stations has code to extract and process DC stations. The data can be obtained from, using Download->Spreadsheet. The code is reproduced here

stations_dc <- read.csv ("Capital_Bike_Share_Locations.csv")
names (stations_dc) <- tolower (names (stations_dc))
name <- noquote (gsub ("'", "", stations_dc$address)) #nolint
name <- trimws (name, which = 'right') # trim terminal white space
stations_dc <- data.frame (id = stations_dc$terminal_number,
                           name = name,
                           lon = stations_dc$longitude,
                           lat = stations_dc$latitude,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Bike Header Field Names

The fields stored in the bikedata database are:

| number | field | | ---- | ----------------------- | | 1 | duration | | 2 | start_time | | 3 | end_time | | 4 | start_station_id | | 5 | start_station_name | | 6 | start_station_latitude | | 7 | start_station_longitude | | 8 | end_station_id | | 9 | end_station_name | | 10 | end_station_latitude | | 11 | end_station_longitude | | 12 | bike_id | | 13 | user_type | | 14 | birth_year | | 15 | gender |

Each file has at least some of these fields, but different systems naturally use different nomenclatures. The header_names structure maps different system names for these fields onto the above names. All names are converted to lower case and all white space and underscores removed, so entries here should be all lower case with no white space.

old DC files had "Duration (ms)", but no longer do. LA has "passholder_type", which can be "Flex Pass" = annual, or "Monthly Pass" PH has "passholder_type", which can be "IndegoFlex" or "Indego30"

Note that an extra city column is needed because LA has "start_station" and "end_station" for the ID columns, while MN has these for the station name columns.

fields <- c ("duration", "starttime", "endtime", "startstationid",
            "startstationname", "startstationlatitude",
            "startstationlongitude", "endstationid", "endstationname",
            "endstationlatitude", "endstationlongitude", "bikeid",
            "usertype", "birthyear", "gender")

duration <- c ("duration", "tripduration", "totalduration", "durationsec",
               "durationseconds", "totalduration(ms)")

starttime <- c ("starttime", "startdate", "iniciodelviaje")
endtime <- c ("endtime", "enddate", "stoptime", "findelviaje")

startstationid <- c ("startstationid", "startstationnumber", "fromstationid",
                     "startterminal", "startstation", "startstationcode",
startstationname <- c ("startstationname", "fromstationname", "startstation")
startstationlatitude <- c ("startstationlatitude", "startlat")
startstationlongitude <- c ("startstationlongitude", "startlon")

endstationid <- c ("endstationid", "endstationnumber", "tostationid",
                   "endstation", "endterminal", "endstationcode",
endstationname <- c ("endstationname", "tostationname", "endstation")
endstationlatitude <- c ("endstationlatitude", "endlat")
endstationlongitude <- c ("endstationlongitude", "endlon")

bikeid <- c ("bikeid", "bikenumber", "bike#")
usertype <- c ("usertype", "membertype", "type", "subscribertype",
               "subscriptiontype", "accounttype", "passholdertype",
               "ismember", "usuarioid")
birthyear <- c ("birthyear", "birthday", "memberbirthyear",
gender <- c ("gender", "membergender", "genero")

field_names <- data.frame (matrix (nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
for (f in fields)
    field_names <- rbind (field_names,
                          cbind (rep (f, length (get (f))), get (f)))
names (field_names) <- c ("field", "variation")
field_names$index <- field_names$field
levels (field_names$index) <- seq (unique (field_names$index))
field_names$index <- as.numeric (field_names$index)

field_names$city <- "all"
field_names$city [field_names$field == "startstationid" &
                  field_names$variation == "startstation"] <- "la"
field_names$city [field_names$field == "endstationname" &
                  field_names$variation == "endstation"] <- "mn"
field_names$city [field_names$field == "startstationname" &
                  field_names$variation == "startstation"] <- "mn"
field_names$city [field_names$field == "endstationid" &
                  field_names$variation == "endstation"] <- "la"

And this then saves the correponding data.frame to the package data:

data_dir <- file.path (here::here (), "R")
f <- file.path (data_dir, "sysdata.rda")
load ("./R/sysdata.rda")
stations_dc <- sysdata$stations_dc # comment out to refresh using above code
sysdata <- list (stations_dc = stations_dc, field_names = field_names)
save (sysdata, file = f, compress = "xz")

mpadge/bikedata documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 4:22 p.m.