
#' List of cities currently included in bikedata
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of cities, abbreviations, and names of bike
#' systems currently able to be accessed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bike_cities ()
bike_cities <- function () {

    dat <- bike_demographic_data ()
    dat$demographic_data <- NULL
    return (dat)

#' Convert city names to two-letter prefixes
#' @param city Name of one or more cities or corresponding bicycle hire systems
#' @return A two letter prefix matching (bo, ch, dc, la, lo, mn, ny, ph)
#' @noRd
convert_city_names <- function (city) {

    city <- gsub (" ", "", city)
    if (any (nchar (city) >= 4)) {

        if (substring (tolower (city), 1, 4) == "sant")
            city <- "lo"
        else if (substring (tolower (city), 1, 4) == "sanf")
            city <- "sf"
    city <- substring (gsub ("[[:punct:]]", "", tolower (city)), 1, 3)
    indx_lo <- which (city %in% c ("lon", "los"))
    indx <- which (!seq (city) %in% indx_lo)
    if (length (indx_lo) > 0) {

        city_lo <- city [indx_lo]
        city <- city [indx]
        city_lo [city_lo == "lon"] <- "lo"
        city_lo [city_lo == "los"] <- "la"
    city <- substring (city, 1, 2)

    city_names <- c ("ny", "ne", "ci", # nyc citibike
                     "bo", "hu", # boston hubway
                     "ch", "di", # chicago divvy bike
                     "wa", "dc", "ca", # washington dc capital bike share
                     "la", "me", # LA metro
                     "lo", "sa", # london santander
                     "ph", "in", # philly indego
                     "mn", "mi", # minneapolis/st.paul nice ride
                     "fo", "go", "sf", # ford gobike san fran
                     "mo", "bi", # montreal bixi
                     "gu") # guadalajara mibici
    city_code <- c ("ny", "ny", "ny", "bo", "bo", "ch", "ch",
                    "dc", "dc", "dc", "la", "la", "lo", "lo", "ph", "ph",
                    "mn", "mn", "sf", "sf", "sf", "mo", "mo", "gu")
    city_code <- city_code [pmatch (city, city_names)]

    if (length (indx_lo) > 0) {

        city <- rep (NA, min (1, length (city)))
        city [indx_lo] <- city_lo
        city [indx] <- city_code
    } else
        city <- city_code

    if (any (is.na (city)))
        stop ("city not recognised")

    return (city)

#' check city arg
#' @param bikedb Name of database holding bike trip data
#' @param city Name of city as passed to functions such as \code{bike_tripmat},
#' \code{bike_stations}, or \code{bike_distmat}
#' @return Standardised version of \code{city} parameter
#' @noRd
check_city_arg <- function (bikedb, city) {

    db_cities <- bike_cities_in_db (bikedb)
    if (missing (city)) {

        if (length (db_cities) > 1) {

            stop ("bikedb contains multiple cities; please specify one.",
                  "cities in current database are [",
                  paste (db_cities, collapse = " "), "]")
        } else
            city <- db_cities [1]
    } else if (!missing (city)) {

        city <- convert_city_names (city)
        if (is.na (city))
            stop ("city not recognised")
        if (!city %in% bike_cities_in_db (bikedb))
            stop ("city ", city, " not represented in database")
    return (city)

#' Perform checks for name, existance, and structure of bikedb
#' @param bikedb A string containing the path to the SQLite3 database.
#' If no directory specified, it is presumed to be in \code{tempdir()}.
#' @return Potentially modified string containing full path
#' @noRd
check_db_arg <- function (bikedb) {

    if (exists (bikedb, envir = parent.frame ()))
        bikedb <- get (bikedb, envir = parent.frame ())

    bikedb <- expand_home (bikedb)

    # Note that dirname (bikedb) == '.' can not be used because that prevents
    # bikedb = "./bikedb", so grepl must be used instead.
    if (!grepl ("/", bikedb) | !grepl ("*//*", bikedb))
        bikedb <- file.path (tempdir (), bikedb)

    if (!file.exists (bikedb))
        stop ("file ", basename (bikedb), " does not exist")

    db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), bikedb, create = FALSE)
    qry <- "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = \"table\""
    tbls <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db, qry) [, 1]
    if (!identical (tbls, c ("trips", "stations", "datafiles")))
        stop ("bikedb does not appear to be a bikedata database")

    return (bikedb)

# expand unix-style tidle for home directory
expand_home <- function (x) {

    if (grepl ("~", x))
        x <- gsub ("~", Sys.getenv ("HOME"), x)
    return (x)

# check whether data_dir exists and add option to create if not
# no code coverage coz it's interactive
check_data_dir <- function (x) { # nocov start

    split_path <- function (x) {

        if (dirname(x) == x)
            c (basename (x), split_path (dirname (x)))
    if (!file.exists (x)) {

        message ("directory ", x, " does not exist")
        inp <- readline ("Should it be created (y/n)? ") %>%
                tolower ()
        if (substring (inp, 1, 1) == "y") {

            xsp <- rev (split_path (x)) [-1]
            for (i in seq_along (xsp)) {

                fp <- do.call (file.path, as.list (xsp [1:i]))
                if (!file.exists (fp))
                    dir.create (fp)
        } else {

            stop ("Okay, stopping now")
    invisible (x)
} # nocov end

# header files are parsed using sysdata.rda, which is written on load to the
# following file, subsequently read directly within the C++ routines
header_file_name <- function () {

    file.path (tempdir (), "field_names.csv")

data_has_stations <- function (city) {

    cities <- bike_demographic_data ()$city
    ret <- rep (FALSE, length (cities))
    cities_with_station_data <- c ("ny", "la", "ph", "sf")
    ret [cities %in% cities_with_station_data] <- TRUE
    return (ret [which (cities == city)])
mpadge/bikedata documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 4:22 p.m.