
Defines functions make_http_request availableHMD

Documented in availableHMD make_http_request

# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Author: Marius D. PASCARIU
# Last Update: Fri Jul 21 13:58:55 2023
# -------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Check Data Availability in HMD
#' The function returns information about available data in the Human Mortality 
#' Database, HMD (period life tables etc.), with the range of years covered 
#' by the life tables.
#' @param link URL to the HMD available data.
#' Default: "https://www.mortality.org/Data/DataAvailability"
#' @return A tibble.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ReadHMD}}
#' @author Marius D. Pascariu
#' @examples
#' availableHMD()
#' @export
availableHMD <- function(link = "https://www.mortality.org/Data/DataAvailability") {
  out <- NULL
  error_message <- "Website connection failed. Please check your internet connection or the URL."
  # Check website connectivity
  response <- make_http_request(link)
  # Check if the website is accessible
  if (!is.null(response)) {
    if (http_status(response)$message == "Success: (200) OK") {
      # Read the HTML content of the webpage
      webpage <- read_html(response)
      # Extract the table from the webpage
      table_data <- webpage |>
        html_table(fill = TRUE)
      # from the list of tables extracted above the table of interest is the first one:
      if (length(table_data) > 0) {
        out <- table_data[[1]]
      } else {
        message("No tables found on the webpage.")
    } else {
  } else { 

#' Make HTTP request
#' @param url URL
#' @return url response
#' @keywords internal
make_http_request <- function(url) {
  response <- NULL
    response <- GET(url)
  }, error = function(e) {
    # Error: Display the error message
    paste("Error:", conditionMessage(e))
mpascariu/MortalityLaws documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 3:43 a.m.