
Defines functions clean_repo runSnippet run_snippets

Documented in clean_repo runSnippet run_snippets

#' remove empty lines
#' @return   numeric: N lines updated in repo table
#' @export
clean_repo <- function() {

    con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), db = 'SNIPPETS'); on.exit(dbDisconnect(con))

    dbExecute(con, 'DELETE FROM repo where length(snippet) = 0 and length(description) = 0')


#' check one snippet 
#' @return   datetime if the snippet runs without errors else NA
#' @export
#' @examples
#' runSnippet(snippet = 'x = rnorm(10)', lang = 'r')
#' runSnippet(snippet = 'SET @a = NOW(); SELECT @a as time', lang = 'mysql')
runSnippet <- function(snippet, lang, mysql = 'mysql --defaults-file=~/.my.cnf') {

    if(lang == 'r') {
      o = try(eval(parse(text=snippet)), silent = TRUE)
      if( inherits(o, 'try-error') ) ans = as.POSIXct(NA) else ans = Sys.time()

    if(lang == 'mysql') {
     cmd = paste(mysql, "-e", shQuote( paste(snippet, ';')) ) 
     x = system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
     if( !is.null(attributes(x) ) ) ans = as.POSIXct(NA) else ans = Sys.time()


#' check all snippets (for now R and mysql snippets)
#' @return   numeric: the number of updated rows.
#' @export
run_snippets <- function() {

    con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB() , db = 'SNIPPETS'); on.exit(dbDisconnect(con))

    x = dbGetQuery(con, 'SELECT * from repo where lang in ("mysql", "r")') %>% data.table

    x[, lastGoodRun := { print(ID); runSnippet(snippet, lang) }  , by = ID]

    dbWriteTable(con, 'temp', x[, .(ID, lastGoodRun)], row.names = FALSE)

    o = dbExecute(con, 'UPDATE repo r, temp t set r.lastGoodRun = t.lastGoodRun where t.ID = r.ID')
    dbExecute(con, 'DROP TABLE temp')


mpio-be/snippets documentation built on Dec. 3, 2019, 4:44 a.m.