  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Running the base model

Here we consider a deterministic model without seasonality and interventions. By defaut the model uses Brazil demographics (annual per capita human birth and death rates). This will likeley be modifed in future versions. We run the deterministic version of the model with run_deterministic_model():


r1 <- run_deterministic_model(time_period = 365 * 5)

The returned object is a Zika_model_simulation object, which is a list of two objects:

Zika_model_simulation objects can be plotted as follows:

plot(r1, type = "H")

This will plot all the human compartments of the model, namely:

The argument type is used to specify which part of the model we want to plot, the human (H) or the mosquito (M) part. We can select which compartment to plot with the var_select argument. Arguments passed to var_select must be one of the variables in the above plot.

plot(r1, type = "H", var_select = c("S", "I1"))

Alternatively one of the following variables can be selected:

First, we plot the weekly number of infections:

plot(r1, type = "H", var_select = "inf_1")

and then the weekly number of microcephaly cases:

plot(r1, type = "H", var_select = "MC")

By default the plot function uses internally the format_output_H() or the format_output_M() function, depending on the value of the type argument. We show here the use of the format_output_H function to extract the S compartment:

S_output <- format_output_H(r1, var_select = "S")

By using the keep argument we can extract the value of these variables for each of the 21 patches or each of the two vaccine status (1 = non vaccinated, 2 = vaccinated) of the model. By setting keep equal to patch, the output has an additional column for the patch:

S_output <- format_output_H(r1, var_select = "S", keep = "patch")

By specifing the same arguments var_select and keep arguments in the plot function we plot the S compartment by patch:

plot(r1, type = "H", var_select = "S", keep = "patch")

We can also plot the mosquito compartments of the model using the same plot function. To do that we modify the value of the type argument.

plot(r1, type = "M")

This plots the following mosquito compartments:

We can select which of the above mosquito compartments to plot with the var_select argument (and type = "M"). Or we can choose among the following variables:

Using the argument keep we can choose whether to plot the above variables as summary across all patches (default) or by patch (keep = "patch").

Now, as a sanity check, we plot the variables which are directly modified by seasonal forcing, namely Kc, eip and Delta and the time-varying reproduction number ($R_t$). We can make use of the function format_output_M(), which allows to format the model outputs. format_output_M() by default extracts the mean value of Kc, eip and Delta across patches. Once we have extracted the model output we can write our own plotting code:


Kc <- format_output_M(r1, var_select = "Kc")
Kc_p <- ggplot(Kc, aes(x = t, y = y)) +
  geom_line(color = 'royalblue', size = 0.5) +
  scale_x_continuous("Time") +
  scale_y_continuous("Mean across patches") +
  ggtitle("Mosquito larvae carrying capacity") +

eip <- format_output_M(r1, var_select = "eip")
eip_p <- ggplot(eip, aes(x = t, y = y)) +
  geom_line(color = 'royalblue', size = 0.5) +
  scale_x_continuous("Time") +
  scale_y_continuous("Mean across patches") +
  ggtitle("Extrinsic Incubation Period") +

delta <- format_output_M(r1, var_select = "Delta")  
delta_p <- ggplot(delta, aes(x = t, y = y)) +
  geom_line(color = 'royalblue', size = 0.5) +
  scale_x_continuous("Time") +
  scale_y_continuous("Mean across patches") +
  ggtitle("Adult mosquito daily mortality rate") +

Rt <- format_output_M(r1, var_select = "R0t_1")  
Rt_p <- ggplot(Rt, aes(x = t, y = y)) +
  geom_line(color = 'royalblue', size = 0.5) +
  scale_x_continuous("Time") +
  scale_y_continuous("Mean across patches") +
  ggtitle("Time-varying ZIKV reprodution number") +

all <- Kc_p + eip_p + delta_p + Rt_p

A expected the mean value of Kc, eip and Delta does no change throughout the simulation when seasonality is turned off.

mrc-ide/ZikaModel documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 8:51 a.m.