
# You can modify the PR comment header here. You can use github markdown e.g.
# emojis like :tada:.
# This file will be parsed and evaluate within the context of
# `benchmark_analyze` and should return the comment text as the last value.
# Available variables for glue substitution:
# * ci: confidence interval
# * branches: BASE and HEAD branches benchmarked against each other.
# See `?touchstone::pr_comment`

  "This is how benchmark results would change (along with a",
  " {100 * ci}% confidence interval in relative change) if ",
  "{system2('git', c('rev-parse', 'HEAD'), stdout = TRUE)} is merged into {branches[1]}:\n"
mrc-ide/malariasimulation documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 7:33 p.m.