extract_shiny90_age_sex: Export proportion aware by five year age group from Shiny90

View source: R/inputs-shiny90.R

extract_shiny90_age_sexR Documentation

Export proportion aware by five year age group from Shiny90


Export estimates for proportion aware of status from a Shiny90 output file to five-year age groups 15-19 to 50+.


extract_shiny90_age_sex(shiny90_path, pjnz_path = NULL, years = NULL)



file path to .shiny90 digest file.


file path to PJNZ file


year(s) to generate estimates; an integer or a vector of integers. If NULL, all years available in estimates are returned (default).


The 'artnum' divided by 'plhiv' columns in the output will give a different ART coverage than Spectrum output for the same year because these outputs are based on the internal mid-year ART coverage in Spectrum, while Spectrum reports an end of year (Dec 31) ART coverage.


A data frame consisting of the number of PLHIV, aware of status and on ART by sex and five year age group 15-49 and age 50+ for specified years.


pjnz <- system.file("extdata/demo_mwi2019.PJNZ", package = "naomi")
shiny90dir <- tempfile()
utils::unzip(pjnz, "malawi.zip.shiny90", exdir = shiny90dir)
shiny90_path <- file.path(shiny90dir, "malawi.zip.shiny90")

extract_shiny90_age_sex(shiny90_path, pjnz, year = 2010:2019)

mrc-ide/naomi documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 7:28 p.m.