object_store: rrq object store

object_storeR Documentation

rrq object store


When you create a task with rrq and that task uses local variables these need to be copied over to the worker that will evaluate the task. So, if we had

rrq_task_create_expr(f(a, b))

that would be the objects a and b from the context where rrq_task_create_expr was called. There are a few considerations here:

  • The names a and b are only useful in the immediate context of the controller at the point the task is sent and so we need to store the values referenced by a and b without reference to the names - we do this by naming the new values after their value. That is, the name becomes the hash of the object, computed by rlang::hash(), as a form of content-addressable storage.

  • When doing this we note that we might end up using the value referenced by a or b many times in different tasks so we should not re-save the data more than needed, and we should not necessarily delete it when a task is deleted unless nothing else uses that value.

  • The objects might tiny or could be large; if small we tend to care about how quickly they can be resolved (i.e., latency) and if large we need to be careful not to overfull Redis' database as it's a memory-based system.

To make this robust and flexible, we use a object_store object, which will allow objects to be stored either directly in Redis, or offloaded onto some "large" data store based on their size. Currently, we provide support only for offloading to disk, but in future hope to expand this.

When we create a value in the store (or reference a value that already exists) we assign a tag into the database; this means that we have for a value with hash abc123 and tag def789

  • ⁠prefix:data["abc123"] => [1] f5 26 a5 b7 26 93 b3 41 b7 d0 b0...⁠ (the data stored, serialised into a redis hash by its hash, as a binary object.

  • ⁠prefix:tag_hash:def789 => {abc123}⁠ (a set of hashes used by our tag)

  • ⁠prefix:hash_tag:abc123 => {def789}⁠ (a set of tags that reference our hash)

If we also used the value with hash abc123 with tag fed987 this would look like

  • ⁠prefix:data[abc123] => [1] f5 26 a5 b7 26 93 b3 41 b7 d0 b0...⁠ hash, as a binary object.

  • ⁠prefix:tag_hash:def789 => {abc123}⁠

  • ⁠prefix:tag_hash:fed987 => {abc123}⁠

  • ⁠prefix:hash_tag:abc123 => {def789, fed987}⁠

As tags are dropped, then the references are dropped from the set prefix:hash_tag:abc123 and when that set becomes empty then we can delete prefix:data[abc123] as simple form of reference counting.

For rrq we will use task_ids as a tag.

For dealing with large data, we "offload" large data into a secondary store. This replaces the redis hash of ⁠hash => value⁠ with something else. Currently the only alternative we offer is object_store_offload_disk which will save the binary representation of the object at the path ⁠<path>/<hash>⁠ and will allow large values to be shared between controller and worker so long as they share a common filesystem.


Create an object store. Typically this is not used by end-users, and is used internally by rrq_controller


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new object store (or connect to an existing one)

object_store$new(con, prefix, max_size = Inf, offload = NULL)

A redis connection object


A key prefix to use; we will make a number of keys that start with this prefix.


The maximum serialised object size, in bytes. If the serialised object is larger than this size it will be placed into the offload storage, as provided by the offload argument. By default this is Inf so all values will be stored in the redis database.


An offload storage object. We provide one of these object_store_offload_disk, which saves objects to on disk after serialisation). This interface is subject to change. If not given but an object exceeds max_size an error will be thrown.

Method list()

List all hashes of data known to this data store


Method tags()

List all tags known to this data store


Method get()

Get a single object by its hash


a single hash to use

Method mget()

Get a number objects by their hashes. Unlike ⁠$get()⁠ this method accepts a vector of hash (length 0, 1, or more than 1) and returns a list of the same length.


A vector of object hashes

Method set()

Set an object into the object store, returning the hash of that object.

object_store$set(value, tag, serialize = TRUE)

The object to save


A string used to associate with the object. When all tags that point to a particular object value have been removed, then the object will be deleted from the store.


Logical, indicating if the values should be serialised first. Typically this should be TRUE, but for advanced use if you already have a serialised object you can pass that in and set to FALSE. Note that only objects serialised with redux::object_to_bin (or with serialize(..., xdr = FALSE)) will be accepted.

Method mset()

Set a number of objects into the store. Unlike ⁠$set()⁠, this method sets a list of objects into the store at once, and returns a character vector of hashes the same length as the list of values.

object_store$mset(value, tag, serialize = TRUE)

A list of objects to save


A string used to associate with the object. When all tags that point to a particular object value have been removed, then the object will be deleted from the store. The same tag is used for all objects.


Logical, indicating if the values should be serialised first. Typically this should be TRUE, but for advanced use if you already have a serialised object you can pass that in and set to FALSE. Note that only objects serialised with redux::object_to_bin (or with serialize(..., xdr = FALSE)) will be accepted.

Method location()

Return the storage locations of a set of hashes. Currently the location may be redis (stored directly in the redis server), offload (stored in the offload storage) or NA (if not found, and if error = FALSE).

object_store$location(hash, error = TRUE)

A vector of hashes


A logical, indicating if we should throw an error if a hash is unknown

Method drop()

Delete tags from the store. This will dissociate the tags from any hashes they references and if that means that no tag points to a hash then the data at that hash will be removed. We return (invisibly) a character vector of any dropped hashes.


Vector of tags to drop

Method destroy()

Remove all data from the store, and all the stores metadata


mrc-ide/rrq documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 7:38 p.m.