rrq_controller: Create rrq controller

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rrq_controllerR Documentation

Create rrq controller


Create a new controller. This is the new interface that will replace rrq_controller soon, at which point it will rename back to rrq_controller.


  con = redux::hiredis(),
  timeout_task_wait = NULL,
  follow = NULL,
  check_version = TRUE



An identifier for the queue. This will prefix all keys in redis, so a prefix might be useful here depending on your use case (e.g. ⁠rrq:<user>:<id>⁠)


A redis connection. The default tries to create a redis connection using default ports, or environment variables set as in redux::hiredis()


An optional default timeout to use when waiting for tasks with rrq_task_wait. If not given, then we fall back on the global option rrq.timeout_task_wait, and if that is not set, we wait forever (i.e., timeout_task_wait = Inf).


An optional default logical to use for tasks that may (or may not) be retried. If not given we fall back on the global option rrq.follow, and if that is not set then TRUE (i.e., we do follow). The value follow = TRUE is potentially slower than follow = FALSE for some operations because we need to dereference every task id. If you never use rrq_task_retry then this dereference never has an effect and we can skip it. See vignette("fault-tolerance") for more information.


Logical, indicating if we should check the schema version. You can pass FALSE here to continue even where the schema version is incompatible, though any subsequent actions may lead to corruption.


An rrq_controller object, which is opaque.

Task lifecycle

  • A task is queued with ⁠$enqueue()⁠, at which point it becomes PENDING

  • Once a worker selects the task to run, it becomes RUNNING

  • If the task completes successfully without error it becomes COMPLETE

  • If the task throws an error, it becomes ERROR

  • If the task was cancelled (e.g., via ⁠$task_cancel()⁠) it becomes CANCELLED

  • If the task is killed by an external process, crashes or the worker dies (and is running a heartbeat) then the task becomes DIED.

  • The status of an unknown task is MISSING

  • Tasks in any terminal state (except IMPOSSIBLE) may be retried with task_retry at which point they become MOVED, see vignette("fault-tolerance") for details

Worker lifecycle

  • A worker appears and is IDLE

  • When running a task it is BUSY

  • If it receives a PAUSE message it becomes PAUSED until it receives a RESUME message

  • If it exits cleanly (e.g., via a STOP message or a timeout) it becomes EXITED

  • If it crashes and was running a heartbeat, it becomes LOST


Most of the time workers process tasks, but you can also send them "messages". Messages take priority over tasks, so if a worker becomes idle (by coming online or by finishing a task) it will consume all available messages before starting on a new task, even if both are available.

Each message has a "command" and may have "arguments" to that command. The supported messages are:

  • PING (no args): "ping" the worker, if alive it will respond with "PONG"

  • ECHO (accepts an argument of a string): Print a string to the terminal and log of the worker. Will respond with OK once the message has been printed.

  • EVAL (accepts a string or a quoted expression): Evaluate an arbitrary R expression on the worker. Responds with the value of this expression.

  • STOP (accepts a string to print as the worker exits, defaults to "BYE"): Tells the worker to stop.

  • INFO (no args): Returns information about the worker (versions of packages, hostname, pid, etc).

  • PAUSE (no args): Tells the worker to stop accepting tasks (until it receives a RESUME message). Messages are processed as normal.

  • RESUME (no args): Tells a paused worker to resume accepting tasks.

  • REFRESH (no args): Tells the worker to rebuild their environment with the create method.

  • TIMEOUT_SET (accepts a number, representing seconds): Updates the worker timeout - the length of time after which it will exit if it has not processed a task.

  • TIMEOUT_GET (no args): Tells the worker to respond with its current timeout.


# Create a new controller; the id will be specific to your
# application.  Here, we use 'rrq:example'
obj <- rrq_controller("rrq:example")

# Create a task for this controller to work on:
t <- rrq_task_create_expr(runif(10), controller = obj)

# Wait for the task to complete
rrq_task_wait(t, controller = obj)

# Fetch the task's result
rrq_task_result(t, controller = obj)

mrc-ide/rrq documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 7:38 p.m.