Man pages for mrc-ide/skygrowth
Phylodynamic inference with nonparametric growth rate models

computeRCompute the reproduction number through time provided model...
continue.skygrowth.mcmcContinue MCMC chain of previously fitted model
growth.plotPlot growth rate of effective size through time
neplotPlot effective size through time
R.plotPlot reproduction number through time
skygrowthPhylodynamic inference with nonparametric growth rate models
skygrowth.mapMaximum a posteriori estimate of effective size through time... a posteriori estimate of effective size through time...
skygrowth.mcmcA gibbs-metropolis algorithm for sampling Ne(t) with a...
skygrowth.mcmc.covarA gibbs-metropolis algorithm for sampling Ne(t) with a 1st...
mrc-ide/skygrowth documentation built on May 19, 2020, 5:10 p.m.