
Defines functions signChange.construct signChange.individual

Documented in signChange.construct signChange.individual

#'Sign change corrections for bootstrap
#'These functions selectively reverse the signs of the weights in boostrap samples to be consistent 
#'with the weights calculated based on the original sample.
#'Sign change corrections are a controversial and inconsistently implemented feature in PLS analysis.
#'The two corrections described in the literature are the individual sign chance correction and the
#'construct level sign chance corrections.

#'The individual correction changes the signs of \code{W} to match \code{Worig}.
#'The construct level correction changes the signs of \code{W} on all rows where the sign of the
#'sum of the row differs between \code{Worig} and \code{W}.
#'The sign chance corrections are described ambiguosly and sometimes implemented inconsistently
#'between software. \pkg{matrixpls} implements the corrections by adjusting the weights before
#'calculating parameter estimates in each bootstrap replication. Some software implement the
#'correction post-hoc by adjusting the bootstrap estimates directly. Moreover, the 
#'literature present at least two different formulas for the construct level correction. 
#'\pkg{matrixpls} implements the version described by Tenenhaus et al. (2005).
#'The sign chance
#'corrections should not be confused with sign indeterminacy corrections applied to 
#'individual analyses
#'(See \code{\link{weightSign}}).

#'@param Worig The original weight matrix.
#'@param W a Weight matrix of a bootstrap sample.
#'@return A weight matrix with the same dimensions as \code{W} after applying the correction.
#'@name signChange
#'Tenenhaus, M., Esposito Vinzi, V., Chatelin, Y.-M., & Lauro, C. (2005). PLS Path Modeling.
#'\emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 48(1), 159–205. 
#'Rönkkö, M., McIntosh, C. N., & Antonakis, J. (2015). On the adoption of 
#'partial least squares in psychological research: Caveat emptor. 
#'\emph{Personality and Individual Differences}, (87), 76–84.

#'@describeIn signChange individual sign change correction

signChange.individual <- function(Worig,W){
  W * sign(Worig) * sign(W)

#'@describeIn signChange individual sign change correction

signChange.construct <- function(Worig,W){
  origSums <- apply(Worig,1,sum)
  curSums <- apply(W,1,sum)
  signs <- ifelse(abs(origSums-curSums) > abs(origSums+curSums), -1,1)
mronkko/matrixpls documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 3:36 a.m.