Man pages for msalibian/RobStatTM
Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods

alcoholAlcohol data
algaeAlgae data
biochemBiochem data
bisquareTuning parameter the rho loss functions
breslow.datBreslow Data
busBus data
BYlogregBianco and Yohai estimator for logistic regression
covClassicClassical Covariance Estimation
cov.dcmlApproximate covariance matrix of the DCML regression...
DCMLDCML regression estimator
drop1.lmrobdetMMRFPE of submodels of an 'lmrobdetMM' fit
fastmveMinimum Volume Ellipsoid covariance estimator
flourFlour data
glassGlass data
hearingHearing data
huberTuning parameter the rho loss functions
imageImage data
INVTR2Robust R^2 coefficient of determination
KurtSDNewRobust multivariate location and scatter estimators
leuk.datLeukemia Data
lmrobdet.controlTuning parameters for lmrobdetMM and lmrobdetDCML
lmrobdetDCMLRobust Distance Constrained Maximum Likelihood estimators for...
lmrobdetMMRobust Linear Regression Estimators
lmrobdetMM.RFPERobust Final Prediction Error
lmrobMRobust estimators for linear regression with fixed designs
lmrobM.controlTuning parameters for lmrobM
mineralMineral data
MLocDisRobust univariate location and scale M-estimators
MMPYMM regression estimator using Pen~a-Yohai candidates
MMultiSHRMM robust multivariate location and scatter estimator
moptTuning parameter for a rho function in the modified...
moptv0Tuning parameter for a rho function in the modified...
MultirobuRobust multivariate location and scatter estimators
neuralgiaNeuralgia data
oatsOats data
optTuning parameter for a rho function in the (asymptotic bias-)...
optv0Tuning parameter for a rho function in the (asymptotic bias-)...
prcompRobRobust Principal Components Cont'd
refine.smIRWLS iterations for S- or M-estimators
resexResex data
rhoRho functions
rhoprimeThe first derivative of the rho function
rhoprime2The second derivative of the rho function
rob.linear.testRobust likelihood ratio test for linear hypotheses
RockeMultiRocke's robust multivariate location and scatter estimator
scaleMM-scale estimator
shockShock data
skinSkin data
SMPCARobust principal components
SMPYSM regression estimator using Pen~a-Yohai candidates
stacklossStackloss data
step.lmrobdetMMRobust stepwise using RFPE
vehicleVehicle data
wasteWaste data
WBYlogregBianco and Yohai estimator for logistic regression
wineWine data
WMLlogregWeighted likelihood estimator for the logistic model
msalibian/RobStatTM documentation built on May 9, 2024, 11:26 a.m.