
# * Library
## library(testthat)
## expect_equal(1:10,reco(1:10,data.frame(from=1:10,to=1:10)))
## expect_equal(1:10 %>% class,reco(1:10,data.frame(from=1:10,to=1:10)) %>% class)

## expect_equal(as.character(1:10),reco(1:10,data.frame(from=1:10,to=as.character(1:10))))
## expect_equal(as.character(1:10),reco(1:10,data.frame(from=1:10,to=as.character(1:10))))
## expect_equal(as.character(1:10) %>% class,reco(1:10,data.frame(from=1:10,to=as.character(1:10))) %>% class)

## expect_equal(as.character(1:10) %>% class,reco(1:10 %>% as.character,data.frame(from=1:10,to=as.character(1:10))) %>% class)
## # class determined by to, coercion when the input is character and the to ist integer
## expect_equal(reco(1:10 %>% as.character,data.frame(from=1:10,to=as.character(1:10))) %>% class,'character')
## # class determined by to, coercion when the input is integer and the to ist character
## expect_equal(reco(1:10,data.frame(from=1:10 %>% as.character,to=as.character(1:10))) %>% class,'character')

## # * New Test
## # ** Define input variants
## c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -> an.integer.vector
## c(1,NA,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -> an.integer.vector.with.NA
## c(1.4,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -> an.real.vector
## c(1.4,2,NA,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -> an.real.vector.with.NA
## an.integer.vector -> an.character.vector
## c('a','b') -> an.character.vector[3:4]
## an.character.vector -> an.character.vector.with.NA
## NA -> an.character.vector.with.NA[10]
## list(an.integer.vector,an.real.vector,an.character.vector,an.integer.vector.with.NA,an.character.vector.with.NA,an.real.vector.with.NA) -> from.variants
## list(an.integer.vector,an.real.vector,an.character.vector,an.integer.vector.with.NA,an.character.vector.with.NA,an.real.vector.with.NA) -> input.variants

## # ** Define to variants
## c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)+1 -> an.integer.vector
## c(1.4,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)+1 -> an.real.vector
## c(1.4,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,NA)+1 -> an.real.vector.with.NA
## an.integer.vector -> an.character.vector
## c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,NA)+1 -> an.integer.vector.with.NA

## c('a','b') -> an.character.vector[3:4]
## an.character.vector[-10] %>% c(.,NA) ->
## list(an.integer.vector,an.real.vector,an.character.vector,an.integer.vector.with.NA,an.character.vector.with.NA,an.real.vector.with.NA) -> to.variants

## # ** Define class variants
## list('numeric','character','integer',NULL) -> class.variants

## # ** 

## # ** Tests for standard
## input.variants %>% map(~{.x -> i
##     data.frames %>% map(~{
##         .x -> a.rep.frame
##         reco(i,a.rep.frame) -> recoout
##         expect_equal(class(a.rep.frame$to),class(recoout))
##     })})

## # ** Test all
## from.variants %>% map(~{.x -> i
##      to.variants %>% map(~{data.frame(from=i,to=.x)})}) -> data.frames
## data.frames %>% flatten -> data.frames
## class.variants %>% map(
##          ~{              .x -> class.variant
##                        input.variants %>% map(~{.x -> i
##     data.frames %>% map(~{
##         .x -> a.rep.frame
##         cat('--------------------\ninput variant:',class(i),' rep.frame from:',class(a.rep.frame$from),' rep.frame to:',class(a.rep.frame$to),' class variant:',class.variant,'\n')
##         reco(i,a.rep.frame,class=class.variant) -> recoout
##         print(i)
##                 print(a.rep.frame)
##         print(recoout)
##         expect_equal(ifelse(!is.null(class.variant),class.variant,class(a.rep.frame$to)),class(recoout))
##     })})})

## # ** 
## 1:10 %>% reco(tribble(~from,~to,     1,2.4,  2,3, 4,9 , 5,9),class='character')
## 1:10 %>% reco(tribble(~from,~to,     1,NA,  2,'3', 4,'9' , 5,'9'),class='integer')

## c(1:10,'heinz','gert',NA)  %>% reco(tribble(~from,~to,   3,NA,  4,'3', 2,'9' , 5,'9',   NA,'okay'),class='numeric')
## c(1:10,'heinz','gert',NA)  %>% reco(tribble(~from,~to,   3,NA,  4,'3', 2,'9' , 5,'9',   NA,'okay'),class='character')

## c(1:10,'heinz','gert',NA)  %>% reco(tribble(~from,~to,   3,NA,  4,'3', 2,'9' , 5,'9',   NA,'okay'),class='character')

## c(1:10)  %>% reco(tribble(~from,~to, 'onkel',4 , 'heinz',3,  '4',3, 2,9 , 5,9,   NA,999),class='numeric') 
## 1:10 %>% reco(testfr)
## tribble(~from,~to,   '3',3,  'heinz',3, 2,9 , 5,9,   NA,999) %>% map(~class(.))

## testfr<- data.frame(from=from.variants[[3]],to=to.variants[[4]])
## testfr
## 1:10 %>% reco(testfr)

## testoutclass<- function(x,repl){expect_equal(class(repl$to),reco(x,repl) %>% class)}

## # * Test: convert_to_class
## c('character','integer','numeric','double') -> class.variants
## class.variants %>% map(~{convert_to_class(1:10,.x) %>% class})
## # * Tests for class equality
## # ** Define testout: test that class is the same as class of to
## testoutclass<- function(x,repl){expect_equal(class(repl$to),reco(x,repl) %>% class)}
## # ** Default
## # *** from is character, to is character, 
## data.frame(from=1:10 %>% as.character,to=as.character(1:10)) -> repl
##                                         # orig is integer
## 1:10  %>% testoutclass(repl)
## 1:10 %>% as.character %>% testoutclass(repl)
## 1:10 %>% as.factor %>% testoutclass(repl)
## # !!!! ◼  factors not working by now

## # *** from is integer, to is intger
## data.frame(from=1:10,to=1:10) -> repl
##                                         # orig is integer
## 1:10  %>% testoutclass(repl)
##                                         # orig is character
## 1:10 %>% as.character %>% testoutclass(repl)
## #1:10 %>% as.factor %>% testoutclass(repl)
## # *** from is intger, to is character
## data.frame(from=1:10,to=(1:10 %>% as.character)) -> repl
##                                         # orig is integer
## 1:10  %>% testoutclass(repl) 
##                                         # orig is character
## 1:10 %>% as.character %>% testoutclass(repl)
## #1:10 %>% as.factor %>% testoutclass(repl)
## # *** from is character, to is integer
## data.frame(from=1:10 %>% as.character,to=(1:10)) -> repl
##                                         # orig is integer
## 1:10  %>% testoutclass(repl) 
##                                         # orig is character
## 1:10 %>% as.character %>% testoutclass(repl)
## #1:10 %>% as.factor %>% testoutclass(repl)

## # ** The same base on the class parameter
## testout_withclass<- function(x,repl,toclass){expect_equal(toclass,reco(x,repl,class=toclass) %>% class)}
## # *** from is character, to is character, 
## data.frame(from=1:10 %>% as.character,to=as.character(1:10)) -> repl
##                                         # orig is integer
## 1:10  %>% testout_withclass(repl,'character')
## 1:10  %>% testout_withclass(repl,'integer')
## # ❗️ error
## 1:10 %>% as.character %>% testoutclass(repl)
## 1:10 %>% as.factor %>% testoutclass(repl)
## # !!!! ◼  factors not working by now

## # * Test for missingness
## # ** Define test no: test that class is the same as class of to
## testoutclass<- function(x,repl){expect_equal(class(repl$to),reco(x,repl) %>% class)}

## # ** missingness in orig

## c(1,2,3,NA,5,6,7,8,9,10) %>% reco(repl)

# * New tests
1:10 %>% reco(tibble(from=1:10,to=(1:10)+1),class='real')  %>% mode

# * Emacs Filevariables (Irrelevant to Non-Emacs-Users)
# Local Variables:
# orgstruct-heading-prefix-regexp: "# "
# eval: (orgstruct++-mode)
# eval: (orgstruct-hijacker-org-shifttab 1)
# End:
mschwenzer/reco documentation built on Dec. 25, 2019, 12:29 a.m.