
# the usage of a dnippets db is dubious, since we are now
# keeping all dnippets in the resources/dnds dir. 
# A simpler more elegant solutionmight be to just load all in dnps the resources/dnds dir.
# But for non-projects it is not clear what the behaviour should be.

# readDnippetsFileNames<-function(path=getWorkSpaceDir()){
#   # read in the contents of the workspace dnippets db file
#   log.fin(readDnippetsFileNames)
#   # browser()
#   fileName=path_join(c(path,'loadedDnippets.rda'))
#   if(file.exists(fileName)){ 
#     tb<-readRDS(file = fileName) #tb is the previously saved dnippetsDB:  has 2 fields
#     # usage; a tibble with names = tabId
#     # paths; a tibble: with names=c("fullpath", "dname" )
#   } else {
#     tb<-tibble(fullpath="",dname="")[0,]
#   }
#   sampleDnippetPath<-path_join(c(system.file('App', package='pointR'), 'templates', 'sampleShapes.dnds'))
#   prjPath=getProjectFullPath() # obtains path from serverOptions:: editOptions
#   ptRproj<-pprj() # The internal settings
#    # pprj is populated with the full project path during the calls to 
#     # - openProj
#     # - modalNewShinyCntrlProjOk
#     # - input$modalCloneProjOk
#     # - during initial startup.
#   if(!is.null(ptRproj$pathToProj)){  # we have a project so we adjust tb$fullpaths
#       # first insure we have a dnds dir
#       dndsDir<-path_join(c(editOption$currentProjectDirectory, resourceDir, 'dnds'))
#       if(!dir.exists(dndsDir)){
#         dir.create(dndsDir, showWarnings = F, recursive=T) # Todo!!! eventually can remove this.
#       }
#       # next adjust tibble tb as needed
#       if(nrow(tb)>0){
#         fullpaths<-tb$fullpath
#         # reset paths to reside under resources
#         fullpaths<-sub( ptRproj$pathToProj, editOption$currentProjectDirectory, fullpaths)
#         # extract full paths not under -editOption$currentProjectDirectory/resouces
#         indx<-grep(dndsDir, fullpaths) #indx are the indices of resourceDir now properly located
#         # move the files (if any)
#         if(length(indx)>0){
#           tomove<-fullpaths[-indx]
#           if(length(tomove)>0){
#             file.copy(tomove, dndsDir)
#             # replace tomove by target in fullPaths
#             dnipNames<-path_file(tomove )
#             fullpaths[-indx]<- sapply( path_file(dnipNames), function(x) path_join(c(dndsDir,x)) )
#           }
#         }
#         tb$fullpath<-fullpaths
#       }
#       if(nrow(tb)>0){
#         tb<-filter(tb, file.exists(fullpath))   # prune any entries that do not exist
#         tb<-filter(tb, fullpath!=sampleDnippetPath) # prune and dnippet that points to sampleDnippet inside project/app dir
#       } 
#       if(nrow(tb)==0){
#         tomove<-sampleDnippetPath
#         file.copy(tomove, dndsDir)
#         tb<-tibble( fullpath=path_join(c(dndsDir,'sampleShapes.dnds' )) , dname='sampleShapes' )
#       }
#   } else { # we do not have a project, but if tb is null, lets load anyway
#     if(nrow(tb)==0){
#       tb<-tibble( fullpath=sampleDnippetPath , dname='sampleShapes' )
#     }
#  } 
#   # if not inside a project, perform no modifications of tb (at least for now)
#   # save changes 
#   saveRDS(tb, fileName)
#   # load DndSnippets
#   for(fp in unique(tb$fullpath)){
#     loadDndSnippets(fp, startup=TRUE)
#   }
#   log.fout(readDnippetsFileNames)
# }


readAuxDnippets<-function( startup=TRUE){
  dPaths<-list.files(dndAuxPath, full.names=TRUE)
    sampleDnippetPath<-path_join(c(system.file('App', package='pointR'), 'templates', 'sampleShapes.dnds'))
    fillDnippetPath<-path_join(c(system.file('App', package='pointR'), 'templates', 'fill.dnds'))
  for(fp in dPaths){
    loadDndSnippets(fp, startup=TRUE)
mslegrand/pointR documentation built on July 4, 2022, 9:57 p.m.