c4a_gui: Graphical user interface to analyse palettes

View source: R/c4a_gui.R

c4a_guiR Documentation

Graphical user interface to analyse palettes


Graphical user interface to analyse palettes. c4a_table shows a table that can be opened in the browser. c4a_gui is a graphical user interface (shiny app) around this table.


c4a_gui(type = "cat", n = NA, series = "all")

  type = c("cat", "seq", "div", "cyc", "bivs", "bivc", "bivd", "bivg"),
  n = NULL,
  m = NULL,
  continuous = FALSE,
  filters = character(0),
  cvd.sim = c("none", "deutan", "protan", "tritan"),
  sort = "name",
  text.format = "hex",
  text.col = "same",
  series = "all",
  range = NA,
  colorsort = "orig",
  include.na = FALSE,
  show.scores = FALSE,
  columns = NA,
  verbose = TRUE



type of palette. Run c4a_types to see the implemented types and their description. For c4a_gui it only determines which type is shown initially.

n, m

n is the number of displayed colors. For bivariate palettes "biv", n and m are the number of columns and rows respectively. If omitted: for "cat" the full palette is displayed, for "seq", "div" and "cyc", 7, 9, and 9 colors respectively, and for "bivs"/"bivc"/"bivd"/"bivg" 4 columns and rows. For c4a_gui it only determines which number of colors initially.


Series of palettes to show. See c4a_series for options. By default, "all", which means all series. For c4a_gui it only determines which series are shown initially.


should the palettes as continuous instead of discrete. Only applicable for "seq", "div", and "cyc".


filters to be applied. A character vector with a subset from:"nmax" (only palettes where n = nmax, which is only applicable for categorical palettes), "cbf" (colorblind-friendly), "fair" (fairness),"naming" (nameability), "crW" (sufficient contrast ratio with white), and "crB" (sufficient contrast ratio with black). By default an empty vector, so no filters are applied.


color vision deficiency simulation: one of "none", "deutan", "protan", "tritan"


column name to sort the data. The available column names depend on the arguments type and show.scores. They are listed in the warning message. Use a "-" prefix to reverse the order.


The format of the text of the colors. One of "hex", "RGB" or "HCL".


The text color of the colors. By default "same", which means that they are the same as the colors themselves (so invisible, but available for selection). "auto" means automatic: black for light colors and white for dark colors.


vector of two numbers that determine the range that is used for sequential and diverging palettes. Both numbers should be between 0 and 1. The first number determines where the palette begins, and the second number where it ends. For sequential palettes, 0 means the leftmost (normally lightest) color, and 1 the rightmost (often darkest) color. For diverging palettes, 0 means the middle color, and 1 both extremes. If only one number is provided, this number is interpreted as the endpoint (with 0 taken as the start). By default, it is set automatically, based on n.


Sort the colors ("cat" only). Options: "orig" (original order), "Hx" (hue, where x is a starting number from 0 to 360), "C" (chroma), "L" (luminance)


should color for missing values be shown? FALSE by default


should scores of the quality indicators be printed? See details for a description of those indicators.


number of columns. By default equal to n or, if not specified, 12. Cannot be higher than the palette lengths.


should messages and warnings be printed?


See vignette how the properties are calculated. Parameters, such as threshold values which determined when palettes are classified as "colorblind-friendly", can be specified via c4a_options. Also the nameability score function (which is in development) can be specified there. See the examples of c4a_options for both use cases.


An HMTL table (kableExtra object)

See Also

References of the palettes: cols4all-package.


if (requireNamespace("shiny") &&
  requireNamespace("shinyjs") &&
  requireNamespace("kableExtra") &&
  requireNamespace("colorblindcheck") &&
  interactive()) {


# categorical palettes with maximum number of colors
c4a_table(type = "cat")

# sort sequential palettes by hue
c4a_table(type = "seq", n = 7, sort = "H")

# sort sequential palettes by hue type (how many hues are used)
c4a_table(type = "seq", n = 5, sort = "hues")

mtennekes/cols4all documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 2:08 p.m.