cols4all-package: cols4all overview

cols4all-packageR Documentation

cols4all overview


cols4all stands for: color palettes for all people, including those with color vision deficiency. Popular color palette series, such as ColorBrewer, have been organized by type and have been scored on several properties such as color-blind-friendliness and fairness (i.e. do colors stand out equally?). Own palettes can also be loaded and analysed. Besides the common palette types (categorical, sequential, and diverging) it also includes bivariate color palettes. ggplot2 scales are included.


This page provides a brief overview of all package functions.

Main functions

c4a_gui Dashboard for analyzing the palettes
c4a Get the colors from a palette (c4a_na for the associated color for missing values)
c4a_plot Plot a color palette

Palette names and properties

c4a_palettes Get available palette names
c4a_series Get available series names
c4a_overview Get an overview of palettes per series x type
c4a_citation Show how to cites palettes (with bibtex code)
c4a_info Get information from a palette, such as type and maximum number of colors)
.P Environment via which palette names can be browsed with auto-completion (using $)

Importing and exporting palettes

c4a_data Build color palette data
c4a_load Load color palette data
c4a_sysdata_import Import system data
c4a_sysdata_export Export system data


Maintainer: Martijn Tennekes

Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

mtennekes/cols4all documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 2:08 p.m.