
interviewer - computer-aided interviewing in R/Shiny.

See the quick-start guide for details.

Execute runExample() to list/run some example questionnaires.

Features: R is the questionnaire scripting language. The whole questionnaire is a single Shiny output, so do whatever you want with the rest of the page. Fully dynamic questionnaire logic: filters, loops, etc. All coded in R, so you can use any valid R instruction (if/else, switch, for/while/repeat loops, etc.). Use R variables, functions, objects, packages... anything. The questionnaire can be split into pages, each page containing one or more questions. Predefined question building functions: * single-choice questions using radio-buttons or combo-boxes, * multiple-choice questions using check-boxes or combo-boxes (selectize), * mixed single- and multiple-choice questions (e.g. "none of the above"), * vertical and horizontal/inline layouts of radio-buttons and check-boxes, * numeric questions using number edit lines or sliders, * text questions using single-line text inputs or multi-line text areas, * placeholders (hints) in combo-boxes and text inputs, * required/optional questions with default validation, * optional regex validation of text entries. Build custom questions with any valid Shiny output. Add custom validation functions. Add any valid Shiny output in/between questions. Dynamic response lists - modify response lists based on earlier responses. Helper functions to: * merge response lists, * randomize responses, * mask responses (keep, drop) using responses from earlier questions. Go back to already asked questions, go forward to the last question displayed (even through filters, loops, etc.). Data returned via a callback as a standard R data.frame.

mixedOptionsInput - a control that mixes radio-buttons and check-boxes - can be used in any Shiny application as a normal input element.

mtrybulec/interviewer documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:20 a.m.