opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE)

Install the ANTsR and ENARSC2015 R packages off of github using the library devtools. Note that the ANTsR package may take a substantial amount of time to download.


Load the ANTsR and ENARSC2015 libraries.


Load volumes

The output directory for the analysis (you should change this for your machine).

rootdir = "~/ENARSC2015"
rootdir = Sys.readlink(rootdir)
outdir <- file.path(rootdir, 'inst', 'ANTsR')

For this analysis, we provide the BRAINX data from OsiriX (http://www.osirix-viewer.com/datasets/) in the ENARSC2015 package. The BRAINX data consists of multi-modal MRI from a patient with brain cancer. Here we use the T1-w, T2-w and FLAIR volumes.

Get the path for the T1-w, T2-w, and FLAIR volumes that are contained in the ENARSC2015 package.

t1.path <- system.file("BRAINIX/NIfTI/T1.nii.gz", package = 'ENARSC2015')
t2.path <- system.file("BRAINIX/NIfTI/T2.nii.gz", package = 'ENARSC2015')
flair.path <- system.file("BRAINIX/NIfTI/FLAIR.nii.gz", package = 'ENARSC2015')

Load the T1-w, T2-w, FLAIR as an antsImage.

t1 <- antsImageRead(t1.path, 3)
t2 <- antsImageRead(t2.path, 3)
flair <- antsImageRead(flair.path, 3)

Plot volumes

View the original T1, T2 and FLAIR volumes.

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
image(as.array(t1)[,,10], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(t2)[,,10], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(flair)[,,10], col = gray(0:64/64))

N3 Correction

Create volumes for the N3 corrected T1, T2 and FLAIR volumes.

t1N3 <- antsImageClone(t1)
t2N3 <- antsImageClone(t2)
flairN3 <- antsImageClone(flair)

Perform the N3 bias feild correction on the T1, T2 and FLAIR volumes.

t1N3 = n3BiasFieldCorrection(t1, "4")
t2N3 = n3BiasFieldCorrection(t2, "4")
flairN3 = n3BiasFieldCorrection(flair, "4")

Write the N3 corrected files.

antsImageWrite(t1N3, file.path(outdir, 'T1_ANTsR_N3Correct.nii.gz'))
antsImageWrite(t2N3, file.path(outdir,'T2_ANTsR_N3Correct.nii.gz'))
antsImageWrite(flairN3, file.path(outdir,'FLAIR_ANTsR_N3Correct.nii.gz'))

View the N3 bias feild correction on the T1, T2 and FLAIR volumes.

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
image(as.array(t1N3)[,,10], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(t2N3)[,,10], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(flairN3)[,,10], col = gray(0:64/64))


Read the template with and without skull.

template.path <- system.file("Template/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz", package = 'ENARSC2015')
template.skull.path <- system.file("Template/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz", package = 'ENARSC2015')
template <- antsImageRead(template.path, 3)
template.skull <- antsImageRead(template.skull.path, 3)

Plot the templates.

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
image(as.array(template)[,,90], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(template.skull)[,,90], col = gray(0:64/64))


First we will register the T1-w volume to the FLAIR volume.

antsRegOut <- antsRegistration(fixed = flairN3, moving = t1N3 , typeofTransform = "Rigid",  outprefix = "./test")
t1.to.flair <-antsImageClone(antsRegOut$warpedmovout)

Write the registered T1-w volume.

antsImageWrite(t1.to.flair, file.path(outdir, 'T1_ANTsR_N3Correct_regFLAIR.nii.gz'))

Next we plot the registered FLAIR volume and the T1-w volume to visually assess the quality of the registration.

par(mfrow = c(3,2))
slices <- c(5, 10, 15)
for(i in slices){
image(as.array(flairN3)[,,i], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(t1.to.flair)[,,i], col = gray(0:64/64))

Subtract the FLAIR and the T1-w images and plot the result.

subtraction.image <- antsImageClone(flairN3)
ImageMath( 3 , subtraction.image  , "-", flairN3 , t1.to.flair )
image(as.array(subtraction.image)[,,10], col = gray(0:64/128))

Read in a region of interest (ROI). In this case we have a brain mask of a manual segmentation of a brain tumor.

roi.path <- system.file("BRAINIX/NIfTI/ROI.nii.gz", package = 'ENARSC2015')
roi <- antsImageRead(roi.path, 3)

Display the FLAIR and the ROI

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
image(as.array(flairN3)[,,15], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(roi)[,,15], col = gray(0:64/64))

Perform a non-linear registration of the T1-w image to the MNI template with the skull. Note that we remove the InverseWarp and Warp files generates by ANTsR, as these files are quite large.

outprefix = file.path(rootdir, "inst", 'ANTsR', "ants")
antsRegOut.nonlin <- antsRegistration(fixed = template.skull, moving = t1.to.flair, typeofTransform = "SyN",  outprefix = outprefix)

Extract the non-linear registration of the T1-w image to the MNI template with the skull.

t1.to.flair.to.template <-antsImageClone(antsRegOut.nonlin$warpedmovout)

Apply the registration transformation to the FLAIR and the ROI image.

flair.to.template <- antsApplyTransforms(fixed=template.skull , moving=flairN3 , transformlist=antsRegOut.nonlin$fwdtransforms , interpolator="Linear")
roi.to.template <-antsApplyTransforms(fixed=template.skull , moving=roi , transformlist=antsRegOut.nonlin$fwdtransforms , interpolator="Linear")

Threshold the interpolated ROI image so that it is binary.

roi.to.template.threshold <-antsImageClone(roi.to.template)
ThresholdImage(3, roi.to.template, roi.to.template.threshold, .5, 1)

Plot the transformed FLAIR, thresheld ROI and template with skull.

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
image(as.array(flair.to.template)[,,110], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(roi.to.template.threshold)[,,110], col = gray(0:64/64))
image(as.array(template.skull)[,,110], col = gray(0:64/64))

Write the transformed FLAIR, ROI and thresheld ROI.

antsImageWrite(flair.to.template, file.path(outdir, 'FLAIR_ANTsR_N3Correct_regMNI_SyN.nii.gz'))
antsImageWrite(roi.to.template , file.path(outdir, 'ROI_regMNI_SyN.nii.gz'))
antsImageWrite(roi.to.template.threshold, file.path(outdir, 'ROI_threshold_regMNI_SyN.nii.gz'))
file.remove(paste0(outprefix, "1InverseWarp.nii.gz" ) )
file.remove(paste0(outprefix, "1Warp.nii.gz" ) )

muschellij2/ENARSC2015 documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:33 a.m.