
#' iBind
#' bind two images along their edge
#' @param img1 input object, an antsImage
#' @param img2 second antsImage, same size as first
#' @param along dimension to bind along
#' @author BB Avants
#' @examples
#' fi<-antsImageRead( getANTsRData("r16") , 2 )
#' mi<-antsImageRead( getANTsRData("r62") , 2 )
#' bi<-iBind( fi, mi , 1 )
#' multismoo<- fi %>% iBind( smoothImage(fi,2) ) %>% iBind( smoothImage(fi,4) )
#' @export iBind
iBind<-function( img1, img2, along=NA ) {
    print("Need package 'abind' to use function 'iBind.'")
  if ( is.na(along) ) along=img1@dimension
  if ( along > img1@dimension | along < 1 ) along=img1@dimensions
  if ( dim(img1)[along] != dim(img1)[along] )
    stop("cant bind images along sides of different size")
  imgbind<-as.antsImage( abind::abind(as.array(img1), as.array(img2),
                                      along=along ) )

#' Pipe an object forward
#' The \code{\%>>\%} operator pipes the object on the left-hand side to the
#' right-hand side according to the syntax.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @name %>%
#' @description Chain operators together
#' @param lhs input from left side
#' @param rhs additional params
#' @export
#' @usage lhs \%>\% rhs
muschellij2/atropos documentation built on May 4, 2019, 3:17 p.m.