Man pages for muschellij2/processVISION
This package process XML documents from the VISION from Prelude Dynamics (

create_stata_dtaProcess a list of data.frames from processVISION into .dta...
get.dnamesProcess a VISION XML file from their EDC
htmlToCSVRead in a VISION html file with a table
make.characterConverts a character vector to no "" strings (changed to...
make.DateConvert a vector to a date object
make.numericConvert a numeric vector if all data in vector is numeric
processVISIONProcess a VISION XML file from their EDC
write32.dtaProcess a VISION XML file from their EDC
xmlToDFRun a XML nodeset to Data frame
muschellij2/processVISION documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:54 a.m.