
Defines functions write_stata_old

Documented in write_stata_old

#' Write Stata DTA out in older format
#' Convert Stata DTA files to older format for older versions
#' @param path path to .dta file
#' @param out_path output path of .dta file (assumed to be the same as input
#' if unspecified)
#' @param version version of Stata file to write out
#' @return Path of .dta
#' @export
#' @importFrom haven read_dta write_dta
#' @import datasets
#' @examples
#' filename = "cars.dta"
#' haven::write_dta(data = datasets::cars, path = filename, version = 14)
#' # can't read this in with stata 13
#' statamd::write_stata_old(path = filename)
#' file.remove(filename)
write_stata_old = function(path, out_path = path, version = 13) {
  x = haven::read_dta(file = path)
  haven::write_dta(data = x, path = out_path, version = version)
muschellij2/statamd documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:53 p.m.