450k example

prediction using BIOS

load data

library(GenomicFeatures) path <- "/virdir/Scratch/RP3_data/450k" load(file.path(path, "methData_BIOS_02042015.RData")) ##functional normalized methylaid qceed methData ##SummarizedExperiment

data <- assays(methData)$beta dim(data) ##[1] 485512 4030 b data[1:5, 1:5]

keep only CpGs which do not have any NA's

keep <- apply(data, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x))) table(keep)


359883 125629

data <- data[keep, ] dim(data) ##[1] 125629 4030

get cellPercentages

cellPercentages <- as.data.frame(colData(methData)[, c("Neut_Perc", "Lymph_Perc", "Mono_Perc", "Eos_Perc", "Baso_Perc")]) cellPercentages <- apply(cellPercentages, 2, as.numeric) cellPercentages

get covariates

covariates <- as.data.frame(colData(methData)) covariates <- covariates[, c("DNA_BloodSampling_Age", "Sex", "Sentrix_Position")] colnames(covariates) <- c("Age", "Gender", "Sentrix_Position") covariates[,3] <- as.integer(as.factor(covariates[,3])) covariates <- apply(covariates, 2, as.numeric) covariates

rename using UUID

rownames(covariates) <- rownames(cellPercentages) <- colnames(data) <- colData(methData)$uuid head(covariates) head(cellPercentages) data[1:6, 1:6]

get data with complete cell percentages

nas <- apply(cellPercentages, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))) table(nas)


2046 1984

complete <- which(!nas) cellPercentages[complete,]

split complete in train (2/3) and test (1/3)

stratified splitting of the data might be better if sample size is small < 500?

for example using split.sample from caTools

trainId <- sample(complete, 2*length(complete)/3) testId <- complete[!(complete %in% trainId)]

dataTrain <- data[,trainId] covarTrain <- covariates[trainId,] cellPerTrain <- cellPercentages[trainId,]

gc() ##try to release

##make predictor


##do cross-validation in parallel default CV is 10 segments

##use 10 cores e.g. on the VM

##see ?mvr for more parallel examples

predictor <- train(dataTrain, covarTrain, cellPerTrain, ncomp=50, validation = "CV")

save(predictor, file="/virdir/Scratch/mviterson/450kPredictor.RData")

##use the pls functions to inspect the object



barplot(cumsum(explvar(predictor)), las=2, ylab="Cumulative Variance Explained")

validationplot(predictor, val.type="R2") ##select optimal number of components e.g. 10

predicted <- 10^predictor$fitted.values[,,20]-1

measured <- cellPerTrain

plotting <- function(measured, predicted, xlab="predicted", ylab="measured") { op <- par(mfcol=c(3,2), mar=c(4, 4, 3, 1)) for(k in 1:ncol(measured)) { type <- colnames(measured)[k] cme <- cor(predicted[,k], measured[,k]) plot(predicted[,k], measured[,k], main=paste(type, " (correlation: ", round(cme, 4), ")", sep=""), bty="n", pty="s") abline(lm(measured[,k]~0+predicted[,k]), col=2, lty=1, lwd=2) abline(0, 1, col="grey", lty=1, lwd=2) grid() } par(op) }

pdf(file.path(path, "450kpredicted_train.pdf"))

plotting(measured, predicted)


test predictor

dataTest <- data[,testId] covarTest <- covariates[testId,] cellPerTest <- cellPercentages[testId,]

##predict cell percentage

predicted <- prediction(predictor, dataTest, covarTest, ncomp=20)



pdf(file.path(path, "450kpredicted_test.pdf"))

plotting(cellPerTest, predicted)


mvaniterson/wbccPredictor documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:53 a.m.