
#' @name example4
#' @title  Example 4: One qualitative treatment factor with repeated measurements over time.
#' @description
#' Milliken & Johnson (1992, p. 429) discuss data which they describe as repeated leaf index measurements
#' on sorghum. Their data set comprises five replicate blocks of four sorghum varieties and they assume equally spaced
#' repeated measurements on each plot in each block on five consecutive occasions starting two weeks after emergence.
#' No further information is given but it appears that the data is simulated or made-up rather than real.
#' Although real data is more authentic, it can sometimes be useful to discuss the analysis of an example data set
#' from the literature, even when the data is simulated. Milliken & Johnson discuss multivariate analysis
#' of variance of the data but this method take no account of the ordered relationship between repeated
#' observations or the likely correlation structure of the data and we will discuss alternative correlation models
#' that are specifically intended to account for the underlying structure of repeated measures data. The interested
#' reader can, if desired, refer to Milliken & Johnson (1992) Chapter 31 for comparison of the
#' different approaches.
#' @details
#' \strong{Section 1} calculates polynomials for weeks and blocks using the \code{poly()} function.
#' Two sets of polynomials for weeks, raw and orthogonal, are calculated and saved as \code{sorghum$rawWeeks}
#' and \code{sorghum$polWeeks} respectively. Orthogonal polynomials for blocks are calculated and saved as
#' \code{sorghum$polBlocks}. It is important to note that the \code{poly()} function calculates all polynomial
#' contrasts up to the required degree but does NOT include the zero-degree polynomial.
#' Additionally, the block variable \code{varblock} is saved as a factor \code{factblock}.
#' \strong{Section 2} compares five different correlation structures for the repeated measures analysis
#' using the gls() function of the nlme package. Each analysis fits a full factorial model for the variety-by-weeks and
#' blocks-by-weeks effects assuming block and treatment additivity. The goodness of fit of the five models is
#' compared by AIC statistics where the smaller the AIC the better the fit. Here, the AR(1)+nugget model fitted
#' by the \code{corExp()} function gave the best fitting model. See \code{help(corExp)}for further information about
#' the corExp() function. Note that \code{corSymm} represents a general correlation structure and will, presumably, give
#' an analysis similar to a multivariate analysis of variance. Although this structure appears to give the best fit according to the
#' negative log likelihood statistic, this
#' criterion takes no account of the number of estimated variance parameters p in the variance model which, in the case of the
#' \code{corSymm} model, is p = 15, compared to only p = 2 for the AR(1) model. When assessed by the AIC statistic, the
#' \code{corSymm} model gave the least good fit of any of the non-null correlation structures which is strong evidence that the
#' multivariate analysis of variance method discussed by Milliken & Johnson (1992) will lack power.
#' \strong{Section 3} fits a full regression model over the five weeks of repeated measures and tests for possible
#' variety and variety-by-weeks interactions effects. The weeks factor is decomposed into individual
#' polynomial contrasts (see Table A2 and Table 14) to test the significance of each individual variety-by-weeks polynomial
#'  effect.
#' The analysis of polynomial contrasts shows that the variety-by-weeks interaction is due mainly to the
#' degree-1 = \code{variety:rawWeeks[,1]} and the
#' degree-2 = \code{variety:rawWeeks[,2]} effects, although there is also some evidence
#' of higher-degree variety-by-weeks interaction effects. The analysis also shows the \code{corExp()} range and
#' nugget statistics for the full fitted model and these are used to calculate the correlation coefficient
#' usingthe formula \code{rho=(1-nugget)*exp(-1/range)}. Note that this formula is different from the the formula used in
#' Tables A1 and A2 and will give a different value of \code{rho}: see \code{help(corExp)}.
#' \strong{Section 4} fits a quadratic regression model for weeks assuming the degree-3 and degree-4 polynomial week effects are zero.
#' The average effects of blocks are fitted by \code{polBlocks} and the interactions between the blocks and the weeks are fitted
#' by \code{polBlocks:(rawWeeks[,1] + rawWeeks[,2] + polWeeks[,3]+ polWeeks[,4])}. The \code{gls()} algorithm requires the same
#' polynomial weeks contrasts in both the blocks and the varieties models which is why raw degree-1 and degree-2 weeks contrasts have been
#' used for the blocks-by-weeks interaction model. However, orthogonal polynomials have better numerical stability than raw polynomials so
#'  orthogonal polynomial contrasts have been used for the degree-3 and degree-4 weeks contrasts.
#' The summary analysis shows all variety effects as differences from
#' the intercept which, in this analysis, is variety 1 therefore all model effects in Table 15 can be derived by
#' adding appropriate effects to the intercept. If SED's are required, these must be calculated from the
#' variance/covariance matrix which can be extracted by the code \code{vcov()}. Using this matrix, the SED for variety differences was
#' calculated to be 0.172, the SED for the variety-by-linear weeks slope parameters was calculated to be 0.117 and the SED
#' for the variety-by-quadratic weeks slope parameters was calculated to be 0.0192. These estimates are approximately 2-3 percent
#' larger than those shown in Table 15 but it is not clear if the discrepancies are due to the model specification or to a
#' difference between the R and the SAS software. Possibly the implementation of the Kenward-Roger method of adjusting
#' the denominator d.f. and the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the estimated fixed effects might be different for the two
#' algorithms. The range, nugget and correlation coefficient are extracted and displayed and a
#' graphical plot of the studentized residuals from the quadratic regression model is also shown.
#' \strong{Section 5} fits a quadratic regression model for variety-by-week interaction effects assuming
#' a full degree-4 polynomial model for weeks and blocks-by-weeks effects.
#' The quadratic regression model in Section 4 corresponds to the regression model used for Tables 14 and 15 of Piepho and Edmondson (2018)
#' but the range = 3397131013 and nugget = 0.4605535 of this model are very different from the range = 10.35774 and nugget = 0.1720444 of the
#' full factorial model. As there is  evidence from Table A2 that the degree-3 and degree-4 polynomial
#' weeks effects are non-negligible, the quadratic model for weeks effects in Section 4 may be inadequate for the data and the model
#' may be underfitted. In this section, the assumption that the degree-3 and degree-4 polynomial weeks effects are zero is relaxed and
#' a full degree-4 model for weeks and block-by-weeks interaction effects is fitted. The fitted model for treatment effects needs to be
#'  as parsimonious as possible to ensure that estimates
#' of treatment effects are robust against model assumptions and a degree-2 regression model for variety-by-weeks effects
#' appears to be the most appropriate treatment model for this data. With this model, the values of the auto-correlation parameters
#'  are: range = 42.75763, nugget = 0.3586337 and
#' correlation = 0.6265403 which are much closer to the autocorrelation parameters from the full factorial model than are those from
#' Section 4. As the model fits the full polynomial weeks model, it is not necessary to use polynomial blocks contrasts which gives a substantial
#' simplification in coding.
#' \strong{Comment} The model fitted in Section 5 appears to be the best model available based on the generalized least squares method but
#'  it is clear from the graphical plots of studentized residuals that the fitted data contains outliers that are not
#' well accommodated by the fitted model. If the data was from a real experiment, further information about the data might be available but as the data
#' seems to be artificial this option is not available. In this situation, various robust methods of model fitting or regression analysis
#' that can accommodate non-standard distributions or model outliers are available. However, these methods are beyond the scope of
#' this tutorial and will not be discussed further here.
#' \code{\link[agriTutorial]{agriTutorial}}: return to home page if you want to select a different example \cr
#' @author
#' \enumerate{
#'          \item Rodney N. Edmondson (\email{rodney.edmondson@@gmail.com})
#'          \item Hans-Peter Piepho (\email{piepho@@uni-hohenheim.de})
#'          \item Muhammad Yaseen (\email{myaseen208@@gmail.com})
#'          }
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'          \item  Milliken, G., & Johnson, D. (1992). \emph{Analysis of Messy Data. Volume I: Designed Experiments}. CRC Press.
#'          \item  Kenward, M. G., & Roger, J. H. (1997). Small sample inference for fixed effects from restricted maximum likelihood. \emph{Biometrics},  \strong{53}, 983–997.
#'          \item Piepho, H., & Edmondson, R. (2018). A tutorial on the Statistical Analysis of Factorial Experiments with Qualitative and Quantitative treatment factor levels. 
#'                \emph{Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.} (\url{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jac.12267}).
#'          }
#' @importFrom broom tidy glance augment
#' @importFrom broom.mixed tidy glance augment
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by ungroup select summarise collapse
#' @importFrom emmeans emmeans contrast
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @importFrom nlme  gls Variogram ACF 
#' @importFrom tidyr  spread
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @import  ggfortify ggplot2 magrittr
#' @examples
#' library(broom) 
#' library(broom.mixed) 
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(emmeans) 
#' library(ggfortify) 
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(lmerTest) 
#' library(magrittr) 
#' library(nlme) 
#' library(tibble)
#' library(tidyr)
#' options(contrasts = c('contr.treatment', 'contr.poly'))
#' ##---------sorghumData-------
#' sorghum$factblock <- factor(sorghum$varblock)
#' sorghum$rawWeeks  <- poly(sorghum$varweek, degree = 4, raw = TRUE)
#' sorghum$polWeeks  <- poly(sorghum$varweek, degree = 4, raw = FALSE)
#' sorghum$polBlocks <- poly(sorghum$varblock, degree = 4, raw = FALSE)
#' ##-------fm4.1-------
#' ## independent uncorrelated random plots
#' fm4.1 <- nlme::gls(y ~ factweek * (Replicate + variety), sorghum)
#' fm4.1.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.1)
#' fm4.1.glance <- broom::glance(fm4.1)
#' fm4.1.Variogram <- nlme::Variogram(fm4.1)
#' ##----fm4.1.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.1.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.1.glance----
#'  fm4.1.glance
#' ##----fm4.1.Variogram----
#' fm4.1.Variogram
#' ##-------fm4.2-------
#' ## corCompSymm compound symmetry
#' fm4.2 <- nlme::gls(y ~ factweek * (Replicate + variety),
#'                    corr = corCompSymm(form = ~ varweek|factplot), sorghum)
#' fm4.2.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.2)
#' fm4.2.glance <- broom::glance(fm4.2)
#' fm4.2.Variogram <- nlme::Variogram(fm4.2)
#' ##----fm4.2.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.2.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.2.glance----
#'  fm4.2.glance
#' ##----fm4.2.Variogram----
#'  fm4.2.Variogram
#' ##-------fm4.3-------
#' ## corExp without nugget
#' fm4.3 <- nlme::gls(y ~ factweek * (Replicate + variety),
#'                    corr = corExp(form = ~ varweek|factplot), sorghum)
#' fm4.3.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.3)
#' fm4.3.glance <- broom::glance(fm4.3)
#' fm4.3.Variogram <- nlme::Variogram(fm4.3)
#' ##----fm4.3.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.3.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.3.glance----
#'  fm4.3.glance
#' ##----fm4.3.Variogram----
#'  fm4.3.Variogram
#' ##-------fm4.4-------
#' ##  corExp with nugget
#' fm4.4 <- nlme::gls(y ~ factweek * (Replicate + variety),
#'                    corr = corExp(form = ~ varweek|factplot, nugget = TRUE), sorghum)
#' fm4.4.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.4)
#' fm4.4.glance <- broom::glance(fm4.4)
#' fm4.4.Variogram <- nlme::Variogram(fm4.4)
#' ##----fm4.4.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.4.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.4.glance----
#'  fm4.4.glance
#' ##----fm4.4.Variogram----
#'  fm4.4.Variogram
#' ##-------fm4.5-------
#' ##  corSymm unstructured
#' fm4.5 <- nlme::gls(y ~ factweek * (Replicate + variety), 
#'                    corr = corSymm(form = ~ 1|factplot),
#'                    weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1|varweek), sorghum)
#' fm4.5.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.5)
#' fm4.5.glance <- broom::glance(fm4.5)
#' fm4.5.Variogram <- nlme::Variogram(fm4.5)
#' ##----fm4.5.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.5.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.5.glance----
#'  fm4.5.glance
#' ##----fm4.5.Variogram----
#'  fm4.5.Variogram
#' ##----Models.Summary----
#' Model <- c("ID", "CS", "AR(1)", "AR(1) + nugget", "UN")
#' Models.Summary <- 
#'   cbind(Model, 
#'         rbind(
#'           fm4.1.glance
#'           , fm4.2.glance
#'           , fm4.3.glance  
#'           , fm4.3.glance  
#'           , fm4.5.glance  
#'         ))
#'  Models.Summary
#' ##----fm4.6----
#' fm4.6 <- nlme::gls(
#'   y ~ (factblock+variety) * (varweek + I(varweek^2) + I(varweek^3) + I(varweek^4))
#'   , corr = corExp(form = ~ varweek | factplot, nugget = TRUE)
#'   , sorghum)
#' fm4.6.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.6)
#' fm4.6.Coef <- broom::tidy(fm4.6)
#' fm4.6.vcov <- vcov(fm4.6)
#' fm4.6.Par <- 
#'   tibble::tibble(
#'     "Parameter" = c("Range", "Nugget", "rho")
#'     , "Value"     = c(
#'       coef(fm4.6$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[1]
#'       , coef(fm4.6$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[2]
#'       , (1-coef(fm4.6$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[2])*
#'         exp(-1/coef(fm4.6$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[1])
#'     )
#'   )
#' fm4.6.ACF <- nlme::ACF(fm4.6)
#' ##----fm4.6.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.6.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.6.Coef----
#'  fm4.6.Coef
#' ##----fm4.6.Par----
#'  fm4.6.Par
#' ##----fm4.6.Plot1----
#' plot(fm4.6.ACF)
#' ##----fm4.6.Plot2----
#' plot(fm4.6, sub.caption = NA, main = "Residuals from full polynomial weeks model")
#' ##----fm4.7----
#' fm4.7 <- nlme::gls(
#'   y ~  polBlocks + variety + rawWeeks[,1] + rawWeeks[,2] +
#'     polBlocks:(rawWeeks[,1] + rawWeeks[,2]+ polWeeks[,3] + polWeeks[,4]) +
#'     variety:(rawWeeks[,1] + rawWeeks[,2])
#'   , corr = corExp(form = ~ varweek | factplot, nugget=TRUE), sorghum)
#' fm4.7.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.7)
#' fm4.7.Coef <- broom::tidy(fm4.7)
#' fm4.7.vcov <- vcov(fm4.7)
#' fm4.7.Par <- 
#'   tibble::tibble(
#'     "Parameter" = c("Range", "Nugget", "rho")
#'     , "Value"     = c(
#'       coef(fm4.7$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[1]
#'       , coef(fm4.7$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[2]
#'       , (1-coef(fm4.7$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[2])*
#'         exp(-1/coef(fm4.7$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[1])
#'     )
#'   )
#' fm4.7.ACF <- nlme::ACF(fm4.7)
#' ##----fm4.7.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.7.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.7.Coef----
#'  fm4.7.Coef
#' ##----fm4.7.Par----
#'  fm4.7.Par
#' ##----fm4.7.Plot1----
#' plot(fm4.7.ACF)
#' ##----fm4.7.Plot2----
#' plot(fm4.7, sub.caption = NA, main = "Residuals from quadratic regression model")
#' ##----fm4.8----
#' fm4.8 <-  nlme::gls(
#'   y ~ Replicate * (rawWeeks[,1] + rawWeeks[,2] + polWeeks[,3] + polWeeks[,4]) +
#'     variety * (rawWeeks[,1] + rawWeeks[,2])
#'   ,  corr = corExp(form = ~ varweek | factplot, nugget = TRUE), sorghum)
#' fm4.8.ANOVA <- anova(fm4.8)
#' fm4.8.Coef <- broom::tidy(fm4.8)
#' fm4.8.vcov <- vcov(fm4.8)
#' fm4.8.Par <- 
#'   tibble::tibble(
#'     "Parameter" = c("Range", "Nugget", "rho")
#'     , "Value"     = c(
#'       coef(fm4.8$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[1]
#'       , coef(fm4.8$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[2]
#'       , (1-coef(fm4.8$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[2])*
#'         exp(-1/coef(fm4.8$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)[1])
#'     )
#'   )
#' fm4.8.ACF <- nlme::ACF(fm4.8)
#' ##----fm4.8.ANOVA----
#'  fm4.8.ANOVA
#' ##----fm4.8.Coef----
#'  fm4.8.Coef
#' ##----fm4.8.Par----
#'  fm4.8.Par
#' ##----fm4.8.Plot1----
#' plot(fm4.8.ACF)
#' ##----fm4.8.Plot2----
#' plot(fm4.8,sub.caption = NA, main = "Quadratic treatment-by-weeks model with full
#' blocks-by-weeks model")
myaseen208/agriTutorial documentation built on Feb. 25, 2020, 12:01 a.m.