knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
                      fig.path = "doc/Figures/README-",
                      out.width = "100%")
# for tibbles...
options(pillar.neg=F, # do no print neg number in red
        pillar.subtle=F, # turn off highliting of significant digits
        tibble.width = 170) # default=95, increase it to make it readable
A = readRDS("inst/Data/A.RDS")
# automatically updates manual
system("mv ../bGWAS_1.0.3.pdf doc/bGWAS-manual.pdf")


#badger::badge_github_version("n-mounier/bGWAS", "informational")
badger::badge_custom("version", suppressMessages(badger::ver_devel("n-mounier/bGWAS")), "informational", ""),

badger::badge_lifecycle("maturing", "9cf"), 

#last commit:

badger::badge_custom("license", "GPL-2.0", "lightgrey", "")

#badger::badge_custom("poster", "10.5281/zenodo.3403093", "blueviolet", "")



library(hexSticker) imgurl <- "inst/Figures/PriorEstimation.jpg" sticker(imgurl, package="bGWAS", p_size=8, p_color="#B4CE4E", h_fill="white", h_color="#A7E4F8", s_x=1, s_y=.8, s_width=.75, filename="inst/Figures/logo.png", dpi=2000) --->

:arrow_right: ESHG poster is available here.

:information_source: bGWAS has been updated to version 1.0.3.
This update should solve the compatibility issues that arose with more recent R versions, but does not affect the analyses results. Note that you might need to update some packages to be able to continue using bGWAS.
:warning: 28/10/2019 : The variance of the prior effects has been modified. If you used a previous version of the package, please re-run your analysis using this new version to get more accurate results.
Check the NEWS to learn more about what has been modified!

:warning: If you downloaded the Z-Matrix files before 20/08/2019, they are now obsolete and you will not be able to use them with the newest version of the package.
Note: some Prior GWASs have been removed, you can find more details here.


bGWAS is an R-package to perform a Bayesian GWAS (Genome Wide Association Study), using summary statistics from a conventional GWAS as input. The aim of the approach is to increase power by leveraging information from related traits and by comparing the observed Z-scores from the focal phenotype (provided as input) to prior effects. These prior effects are directly estimated from publicly available GWASs (currently, a set of 38 studies, last update 20-08-2019 - hereinafter referred to as "prior GWASs" or "risk factors"). Only prior GWASs having a significant causal effect on the focal phenotype, identified using a multivariable Mendelian Randomization (MR) approach, are used to calculate the prior effects. Causal effects are estimated masking the focal chromosome to ensure independence, and the prior effects are estimated as described in the figure below.

Observed and prior effects are compared using Bayes Factors. Significance is assessed by calculating the probability of observing a value larger than the observed BF (P-value) given the prior distribution. This is done by decomposing the analytical form of the BFs and using an approximation for most BFs to make the computation faster. Prior, posterior and direct effects, alongside BFs and p-values are returned. Note that prior, posterior and direct effects are estimated on the Z-score scale, but are automatically rescaled to beta scale if possible.

The principal functions available are:

All the functions available and more details about their usage can be found in the manual.


You can install the current version of bGWAS with:

# Directly install the package from github
# install.packages("remotes")


To run the analysis with bGWAS two inputs are needed:

1. The GWAS results to be tested

Can be a regular (space/tab/comma-separated) file or a gzipped file (.gz) or a data.frame. Must contain the following columns, which can have alternative names:

If the Z-statistics is not present, it will be automatically calculated from effect size and standard error, in which case the following columns should be provided:

If you want the prior/posterior/corrected effects to be rescaled, please make sure to provide effect sizes and standard errors instead of (or in addition to) Z-statistics.

2. Prior GWASs - Z-Matrix files

These files should be downloaded separately and stored in ~/ZMatrices or in the folder specified when launching the analysis. These files contains the Z-scores for all prior GWASs :

You can download these files using this link or following the instructions below. Please note that your input GWAS will be merged with the Z-Matrix files (using rsid and alleles to align effects), and that the results reported will use the Z-Matrix files chr:pos information (GRCh37 - since UK10K data has been used to imputed the prior GWASs).

wget -O ZMatrices.tar.gz
tar xzvf ZMatrices.tar.gz
n-mounier/bGWAS documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 1:39 a.m.