
Defines functions sample_tb

#' Sample (Updated) Active TB Status for Active TB Cases
#' @param prob probability of success (e.g. completing treatment) for all cohort; i.e. probability of FALSE/0.
#' @param is.tb is individual active TB case (logical)
#' @return (counterfactual) TB status for active TB cases
#' @export
#' @examples
sample_tb <- function(prob,
                      is.tb = NA){

  if (any(is.na(is.tb))) {
    is.tb <- rep(TRUE, length(prob))

  n_tb <- sum(is.tb)

  as.numeric(prob[is.tb] < runif(n_tb))
n8thangreen/LTBIscreeningproject documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:01 p.m.