knitr::read_chunk(here::here("code", "chunk-options.R"))

Final model plots

For the final model I used the 40 topic model. The perplexity scores and visualization of the document distribution over topics and color distribution per topic both informed the decision.

  1. Distribution of themes
  2. Distribution of themes over time.
  3. Color themes

Although themes are a mixture of colors I represented each theme with a single color made of a weighted blend of it's two colors most associated with that theme.

Theme distribution

knitr::read_chunk(here::here("code", "final-model-plots.R"))

LEGO theme timeline

Theme color distributions

knitr::read_chunk(here::here("code", "final-model-grid.R"))

nateaff/legolda documentation built on May 18, 2019, 10:15 a.m.