Man pages for nathaniel-mahieu/centWaveP
CWT Based Chromatographic Peak Detection

centDetect regions of interest (regions of m/z vs rt space with...
cent.xrDetect regions of interest (regions of m/z vs rt space with...
cwtApply the continuous wavelet transform to a signal
estimateBaselineNoiseFrom an EIC estimate the local noise level and baseline of...
findLorentzianNoiseDetect lorentzian noise around tall peaks in Orbitrap data...
findNoiseTakes a peak table and filters searches for black bar...
findShoulderPeaksDetect artifactual shoulder peaks in Orbitrap data
getLorentzianPeakshapeTakes a mass and resolutionand returns a lorenzian describing...
plotWavePeakPlot a detected peak with various additional metadata
waveDetect peaks in intensity vs time space by continuous wavelet...
nathaniel-mahieu/centWaveP documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:19 p.m.